8 - mission impossible : chip protocol

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(y/n)'s pov - 12:40 am

bursting into shinsou's room, the purple boy on his bed popped up, and stared at me. "we need to sneak out. like now."

"why would we have to sneak out, right now?"

"you don't understand. there's a new limited edition snack, at the convenience store a block away. they've always been sold out when i go during the day. i asked one of the workers, and they said they restock at midnight, every tuesday. that means they restocked the snack 40 minutes ago." i explained, pulling shinsou's arm to get him out of his bed.

he gave me a look of disappointment, "okay, and? what makes this snack worth sneaking out, and possibly getting caught by aizawa for?"

by now, i was able to successfully pull shinsou onto his feet, "we won't get caught. i'll use my quirk, check for patrollers, and momentarily shut off the security cameras so we can walk by! oh come on, live a little why don't you."

"ugh, fine. but only since i know if you go alone, you could get kidnapped by the league of villains or something." the boy rolls his eyes at me, as i happily giggle a bit in excitement. "wait, here take this."

he hands me one of his black sweaters from his closet, and i turn to face him, confused. "why do i have your hoodie?"

for the second time, he rolls his eyes at me. "one, it's cold outside. two, use the hood and hide yourself just in case."

"you sure you want to give it to me? fair warning, you may never get it back if i like it." i ask, what can i say? oversized hoodies are the best. i need more.

with a sigh, he pushes the hoodie back into my arms, and grabs a jacket for himself to wear out. i slip into the hoodie, and it hangs down almost to my knees, and the sleeves completely hide my hands. pausing for a moment, i smile. it smells like oak wood and a hint of coffee. makes sense. pointing a finger at my now partner in crime, i dramatically ask, "are you ready?" he shrugs, and slightly nods yes.

"your mission, if you choose to accept it, sneak out of the dorms and infiltrate the convenience store a block away. retrieve the prized goods, and sneak back to home base. are you in?" i stick out a hand for him to shake, pulling back the large and long sleeve to show my hand.

he grabs my hand, joining in the act, "i'm in. no going back now (l/n)."

"i would never back down from a mission my dear shinsou."

we head over to his door, and i check for any human energies or auras walking around the halls. "we're clear. i'll disarm the cameras, and we can move out."

placing my hand along the wall, i sense the energy moving throughout the wires, and send a small but strong bolt of electricity towards the cameras. i quietly open the door, and motion for shinsou to follow me.

sneaking around the halls, we eventually make it down to the main living room. i suddenly stop, making shinsou bump into me from behind. lifting a finger to my lips, i tell shinsou to stay quiet, and i sense the energy of the large room. two cameras, a locked door, but a huge problem. aizawa sensei has just come back from his hero patrols to his dorm patrols. to let shinsou know what was ahead, i do a mini impression of aizawa, mimicking his creepy smile that he always gives us when we have difficult training.

shinsou's eyes widen, and he starts to pull me away from the enemy. once we are definitely out of aizawa's earshot, he gives me his backup plan, "the exit near the dumpsters, toward the back of the building. my guess is that aizawa will head upstairs to check the hallways soon. that's our best bet to leave, plus i still have the keys from earlier to unlock the door."

i give him a nod of affirmation. "sounds like a plan. i'll tell you once aizawa starts to head up the stairs, and we can make our escape."

we wait for a minute, until i sense that aizawa is completely on the second floor of the dorms. i signal towards our exit, and we sneakily walk over to the door. shinsou pulls out the key, and slowly unlocks the door as to avoid any unnecessary noise or attention. we quietly step out of the building, and shinsou slowly relocks the door just in case aizawa checks.

looking up at the building's windows, i do a quick final check in case anyone is awake and could see us. safe. i grab shinsou's arm, and pull him alongside me into the trees beside the dorms, "okay put on your hood (l/n)." he instructs as he flips up his own hood to cover his head.

my hands, still covered by the large hoodie, try but fail to grab the hood and follow shinsou's words. pouting slightly, i drop my arms in defeat. "i can'ttttt. your sleeves are hindering my ability to do anything with both of my hands."

"you big baby." shinsou teases, letting out a deep chuckle that reverberates in his chest. my cheeks flush as he carefully brings my hair to one shoulder, and softly brings the large hood onto my head. "there you go little baby."

furrowing my brows, i look up at the taller boy standing right in front of me. less than a foot away, his sly, teasing smile in the light of a close street lamp makes me pause.

my brain lags a bit, just looking at the purple boy before me.




he lightly nudges my head to the side, "okay let's go before aizawa sensei finds us." he grabs my wrist and begins to lead me into the streets, toward the convenience store.

as we enter the bright store, shinsou suddenly stops, "wait, what's the snack you're getting?"

i give him a grin, and head toward the chip section of the store. "what else other than the highly coveted, precious, honey buddha chips?" i grab a couple bags off the fully stocked shelf, and head over to the cashier. "hey saeyoung. thanks for the chip tip."

"of course, only the best for my favorite customer" the red-head behind the counter winks at me. i laugh it off, and hand him the payment for the snacks. little did i know, a certain tired teenager beside me was frowning while watching the casual exchange between saeyoung and i.

"see you around saeyoung!"

"see you later (l/n)!"

happily grabbing the plastic bag holding the chips and shinsou's arm, i head outside of the convenience store. i start to joyfully head towards the dorms before shinsou abruptly stops, pulling me back and stopping my steps. "you're such an idiot."

he takes the bag from my hands, and continues walking back to the dorms ahead of me. "awww thanks shinsou, but i already know that." i remark back, quickly catching up to the purple boy. sticking my hands into the hoodie pocket, we swiftly arrive back at the door we escaped from. closing my eyes, i check aizawa's position inside the building. "he's sitting down in the downstairs living room. he might be sleeping, but we should still be careful."

shinsou nodded at me, as he slowly unlocked the door and we stepped back into the building. as quietly as the first time, he proceeded to lock the door once more, and i peeked my head around the wall to see if mr aizawa was asleep of not. turning back to my partner, i put my hands together and to one side, closed my eyes and leaned on the hands to mimic a sleeping action.

sadly for us, the only way upstairs was to pass through the living room to get to the stairs on the other side of the room. just in case, we hunched down and started to silently crawl across the carpet until we reached the door to the stairs. just as i was about to open up the door, i heard some shifting on the couch that mr aizawa was sleeping on. our eyes widened, and we both froze, looking over to the sleeping hero. once we were sure that he was in fact, still asleep, i continued to open the door.

we slipped into the stairwell, and both let out a breath of relief. we headed back upstairs and went into my room, to grab coffee but also because it was closer.

once i closed the door to my room, i gave shinsou a solid fist bump of success. "mission accomplished my friend."

he dropped the bag of chips onto my desk, and pulled out two bags. opening both of them up and giving one to me he held his up like he was giving a toast, "to a successful mission!"


word count - 1515

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