4 - even ice melts

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(y/n)'s pov - 12:06 am.

we played one more round of hide and seek before mr aizawa came in and told us all to go to our dorms and get some sleep. while playing was kind of fun, that was way too much social interaction for me. goodbye world. i will now be hibernating in my room

peace out losers.

or so i wish. once again, another lovely sleepless night for me! having an energy quirk and being an insomniac really isn't the best combination. i stare at my bedroom ceiling. maybe i should make more coffee. i definitely should make more coffee.

as i sit up on my bed, my phone goes off.

purble boy
hey, can i come over again?

coffee dealer
hell yeah
not sleeping is so boring

i smiled, finally realizing that i had a new roommate who had similar sleeping tendencies as me. quickly, i made us both some coffee, and set the mugs on my desk.

hearing a knock on the door, i run over to let shinsou in. he steps in and says, "hey, i brought kage, is that cool?"

"of course! you can just let her down on my bed if you want, i don't mind."

"thanks." he grabs a mug of coffee and downs it, and moves to sit on my bed with his cat in his lap. i follow suit, chugging the warm coffee and move to sit beside him, looking at kage snuggled up.

"what brings you two to my oh so humble abode this cold night?" gesturing to my room i'm a grandiose manner, i grin at the purple boy. somehow he looks even more tired tonight... was it cause of the training? or the intense rounds of hide and seek tag?

shinsou hesitates, and opens up his palms facing up, resting upon kage's black fur.

frowning, i lean my head down to get a better look at shinsou. "you alright? wanna talk about it?" i say politely.

he sighs, softly speaking and still facing his hands, "i... it was my first day training as a hero course student. with my quirk, you just have to shut up and it already won't work. i... i just wanted today to go better." he pushed his face into his hands, and started muttering quietly, "how can i be a hero when there's people so much stronger than me? all a villain has to do is figure out how my quirk works and i'm done for. this stupid worthless villain quirk. why would i have any hope to be a hero when i can't fend off a couple teenagers?"

i'm not much of a touchy person. and i give horrible advice. but god fucking dammit i won't let shinsou think this way. i pulled him into my arms, holding the back of his head by my shoulder. "hey. don't say that. i thought we already agreed that a quick cant be villainous right? why wouldn't you be able to become a great hero? shinsou. i've seen you in action. especially with your new mask that can replicate voices, you. are. amazing. with one word, you can force someone to stop fighting. with one word, you can control the villain's boss. with one word, you can flip the whole situation." i started to lightly rub comforting circles on his back and continued on. "it makes sense that you would struggle a bit against three other students. especially if they know your quirk and how to combat it. we're all in the hero course for a reason. i swear, our class is gonna be the future top heroes one day... mental quirks are so much harder to be able to fully utilize in a world with people who have external quirks. it sucks. life isn't fair. honestly, you might not be able to become a famous hero and save others everyday. but, i know that you can be a great underground hero like mr aizawa. all you need to do is work on your hand to hand combat, or scarf to hand combat i guess."

shinsou started sniffling into my shoulder, tears starring to seep into my shirt.i pushes him back slightly to make eye contact. "i know that you're gonna become a great hero shinsou. with such a powerful quirk and already pretty great combat skills, i know you're gonna do some great things when you grow up." i cupped his face with my hands gently, and lightly wiped away a few stray tears. "have some faith in yourself okay? at the very least, know that you will always have me in your corner, cheering you on."

i gave the broken boy in front of me my best smile, and pulled him back into a warm hug. we sit like that for awhile, and i went back to rubbing little circles on his back. just like my mom would.

shinsou's pov

jesus fuck.

how did i get here? did i really just have a full on meltdown in front of (l/n)? full on, tears and everything.

fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuckity fucking fuck

i could feel my face heating up a bit, but luckily my head was over (l/n)'s shoulder so she couldn't see me. what kind of idiot am i? going to (l/n)'s room, practically knowing that i would have a melt down. all the signs were there beforehand! the feelings, the scratching, the thoughts...

hey hey shinsou, it's okay. (l/n) doesn't seem like the type of person to tell anyone else. she's cool. i think.

f u c k my life :)

(y/n)'s pov - hell i don't know how long a mental breakdown is with someone there to help you so uh sure why not, 2:07 am.

"i'm sorry, all i did was come in and cry." shinsou whispered, barely audible had it not been 2 in the morning. "...could i get some more coffee?"

i chuckled, lightly pulling away from the tired teenager, and grabbed his cup to fill with coffee. once it was filled, i placed it into shinsou's hands and gave him a small smile, "it really is no bother shinsou. i know it sucks having to deal with all that on your own, so i'm always open to help you out. or give a hug if you want one."

shinsou gave me a slight smile, and chugged the coffee. kage, who moved off his lap and onto my bed, stretched and bounded over to shinsou. i sat back down next to shinsou, and a miracle happened. kage came to sit on my lap. that's right folks. my. lap. i tensed a bit, not expecting the cat to suddenly come to me.

i looked over to shinsou, eyes wide with shock and he told me, "she almost never warms up to strangers. usually she'd run away from you unless she's lived with you for awhile."

"...can i pet her?"

"... of course you can, she's the one who went to you, stupid."

giggling, i lightly pet kage's soft black fur on top of her head. "she's so soft. and adorable. and tiny."

third pov

shinsou turns, smiling at the sight of (l/n) and kage. "yeah. she is.

eventually, shinsou and kage headed back to their room, both ready to pass out. both teenagers smiled in their rooms, one glad to help the other, and one glad the other was there for them.

a meltdown. maybe their hearts melted just a bit too.

word count - 1256
a/n - i felt so bad making my bby cry but it's for the plot 🥺 ly shinsou

3 am. - bnha shinsou x readerWhere stories live. Discover now