5 - stargazing

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(y/n)'s pov - 1:29 am.

a week had passed by since shinsou joined the hero course. after the first day, filled with emotions and running around, he started fitting in and started hanging out with the dekusquad. in case you couldn't tell, i was technically a part of the bakusquad (but who tf named us that? it's not just that fucker and his followers geez), and because of that, i wasn't able to hang out with shinsou much during school

that being said, we still had our nightly coffee hangouts, usually in my bedroom and with kage.

tonight was like the others, shinsou texted me, and headed over with kage securely in his arms. as per usual, i had our coffee ready for quick consumption. he knocked on the door, and i let him in with a quick smile. we threw the drinks down our throats, and i let out a "ahhh" of satisfaction. shinsou looked at me sideways confused, and i shrugged. "taste anything different?"

he paused, thinking, and licked his lips. "...could it be... a new blend? perhaps chocolate?"

i beamed, "ding ding ding! my mom sent a new pack today, and i wanted to try it out."

"maybe i should try and savor the taste next time."

smirking, i brought out two large travel mugs and placed them onto my desk. "why not try now?"

shinsou raised an eyebrow, "travel mugs? this is special, are we going somewhere else tonight?" he placed kage down, and she jumped up onto my bed to take a quick cat nap (lol)

"yes and no my good, tired, sir. tonight, we will be stargazing on the balcony!" i dramatically unveiled the balcony, which i prepped with a plethora of blankets, pillows, my fairy lights, and more blankets. i gestured for him to step onto the balcony, and i followed after him, lying down next to each other and wrapping ourselves up in blankets. luckily for us, it wasn't too cold in japan, so most of the blankets were used for comfort over warmth.

i let our a sigh of relief and joy, happy to drag someone into my stargazing habits, thinking back to when i would drag my brother outside to do the exact same thing.

shinsou closed the balcony door to keep the room warm, and casually asked, "the view is amazing and all but what do we do now?"

"relax, look at the stars, drink our coffee, and relax my dude. cheers."

"cheers." we clinked our travel mugs, and sipped our warming drinks. "coffee really is so much better in the cold night."

i chuckled, and suddenly turned on my left side to look at shinsou. "one week of hero training down. what do you think of our classmates so far?"

he placed his free hand behind his head, "you have no idea about all the theories i've made so far."

my eyes glimmered in the moonlight, "oh please, do tell."

time skip brought to you by snipe's cowboy boots💕 - 3:50 am.

our conversation drifted from topic to topic, as our laughter filled the cold night air around us. "okay if i killed someone, i would totally burn their body and scatter the ashes so they couldn't be identified." i said, completely serious.

"you're insane! everyone knows that you dismember their body and spread it out so that the cops are stuck running around. oh, and you number your victims, buut you skip a few numbers so that they're stuck on a wild goose chase." shinsou explained, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

i gave the purple boy a disapproving glare, "i'd rather not get caught, over making the cops run around. plus, setting them on fire, i can blame endeavor. two birds one stone."

3 am. - bnha shinsou x readerNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ