9 - you killed my baby???

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(y/n)'s pov - 11:46 pm

after a tough day of training thanks to aizawa sensei, shinsou and i were sitting on my bed and chatting.

"midoriya is not best boy, are you crazy? just cause he's your friend doesn't mean you can overlook everyone else." i stated, flipping my phone in my hands out of boredom.

shinsou started at me like i was crazy, "just because i hang out with him doesn't mean i'm biased. that just means i know him better than you. and there is absolutely no way, that dark shadow even counts in the running for best boy. he's a quirk!"

i brought my free left hand to my chest in offense, "he is ten times better than anyone in 1-a. he's just so cute!!!"

with a sigh, and a slight smirk, shinsou asked me, "and i'm not as cute?"

a pink tint came to my cheeks, shocked by the sudden question. "i,,, wha—" then everything went blurry. stupid brainwashing quirk.

shinsou used his quirk to end our arguement, "tell me that midoriya is the best boy of 1-a."

"midoriya is the best boy of 1-a."

he then released his quirk, smirking at me in victory. i frowned at the boy, and threw a pillow at his face. "you jerk, no quirks in my room!!!" sadly, he managed to catch the pillow right before it smacked him in the face. tragic.

time skip brought to you by bakugo in jeans 💕 - 2:08 am

we continued to debate over who was the best in different categories in 1-a for a couple hours. then, while staring at the phone in my hands, it dawned on me what we could do.

i kept patting his shoulder, "shinsou, shinsou, shinsou!"

he retaliated by patting my shoulder in the same manner, "(l/n), (l/n), (l/n)!"

giggling, i held up my phone to show the boy our text messages, to show my most recent message.

let's play sea battle! - game pidegon

let's play sea battle! - game pidegon

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"oh you're on. i'm the best at battleship." he said, pulling out his phone from his sweatpant's pocket. he started to place out his ships, and leaned backwards against my headboard to hide his screen. (rules in the picture above, just in case!!)

i rolled my eyes, "sureee, just like you're so amazing at egyptian war. don't forget that you owe me something from losing. wanna do the same bet again? loser owes the winner something."

he let out a deep chuckle that rumbled in his chest. "that was a fluke. you just got lucky. you won't be as lucky this time around."

"why don't you prove your words this time?" i taunted the purple boy, glancing up at him and pausing from placing my own ships onto the board on my phone.

he met my gaze, with a wide and mischievous grin, "don't regret your words later on (l/n)."

i returned his grin with a cheeky smile. "looks like your move first shinsou."

we proceeded to go back and forth, with me randomly aiming my shots and betting on pure luck.

miss, miss, miss, miss, hit

shinsou got the first hit, on one of my ships that were three spots long. "oh would you look at that? it seems like i got the first hit in this friendly game."

rolling my eyes, i lightly shoved his shoulder, "just give me your next move wonder boy."

looking me in the eyes, as if he was trying to find the answer in them, he smiled. and not one of his smirks like he knows you're screwed. but a genuine smile that i would often see during our late night/morning hang outs. i narrowed my eyes with suspicion, as he turned back to his phone to play his next move.


i looked back at him in astonishment, "what the fuck. did you just read me and figure out where my ship was??? the fuck?"

"i told you i was good at battleship."

"fuck off." i turned my body until i was completely across from shinsou, just in case he magically saw my ship placement on my phone. i glared at him, until i was interrupted by a small ding from my phone


staring at my phone, i went back to glaring at the purple boy. "okay, fuck you, you little cheater."

"don't hate the player, hate the game." and guess what. he had the fucking audacity to wink at me. little bastard. "i tried to warn you."

"just go already, oh my gosh." i groaned, not excited for the game to continue.

mini time skip brought to you by shoji's six arms💕 - 3:16 am

"you little bitch. how could you? you killed my baby??? so young... so inexperienced... so undeserving of death..." i fake weeped into the palms of my hands. maybe i was being a little dramatic. maybe.


no way was i being dramatic, he mercilessly killed my baby!

meanwhile, shinsou was laughing his heart out into my pillow to not wake up the entire building. and my poor baby was dead. sinking to the bottom of the ocean. sad. and. alone. "oh come on (l/n) its just a ship, just move on."

"just a ship? just move on? oh my bad. why didn't i realize it earlier. how about you just fall asleep? or just smile more?" i angrily spouted out, still grieving my loss.

he rolled his eyes, "just saying, i think there's more important things to worry about. life moves on, with or without you. and right now, i believe, you only have two more ships left while i have five. you better step up your game (l/n)."

"shut up shinsou."

mini time skip brought to you by de ku's yaaaaaay💕 - 3:30 am

"and that's game (l/n)." the purple boy smirked at me as i sadly plopped down onto the bed. he stuck out his right hand to me, "good game."

i sighed and took his hand, "good game. i guess you were actually telling the truth about your skills this time."

he flopped down next to me, both of us staring at the little glow in the dark stars i placed on my ceiling when i moved in. "don't forget that you now owe me something (l/n). no escaping now"

groaning, i turned on my side to face the shinsou, "we've spent how many hours together? and you think i would weasel my way out of a bet. just don't forget that you owe me too shinsou."

"i would never." he grinned, and turned his head to meet my eyes, glimmering with a mischievous emotion swirling around.

word count - 1116
a/n - wow i swore a lot, but this was fun. like and comment!!!
-nova ✨

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