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Okay, this storyline is kbrooklyn4 idea. ♥️ The general plot is as follows: Harry and Louis dated when they were in One Direction but broke it off on bad terms. They haven't seen each other since the band went on hiatus and years later they run into each other at a café.


He would recognize that voice everywhere even if it was years since he last heard it in person. Harry turns around so fast that he manages to spill his coffee all over himself.
"Shit! Hot! Hot!"

"Well thank you. Sorry, bad joke! Are you okay?" Louis asks, looking concerned.

"Yeah." Harry answers and stares at Louis with furrowed eyebrows. He seems to have lost the ability to speak.

He takes in Louis' features. He's older but he's still the same beautiful boy he once fell in love with. His heart stings. He has really tried to move on. Louis Tomlinson is someone he has avoided thinking about. Of course, he hasn't been able to avoid it completely. They both have successful solo careers and it's been impossible not to catch a glimpse of him in a magazine or some interview. But that's not the same as suddenly standing face to face with him.
"Earth to Harry?"

"Uhm, what?" Harry asks confused. He totally zoned off.

He looks at Louis. Curious blue eyes are watching him.
"I said that it's nice to finally see you. How have you been?" Louis smiles.

"Great. You?" Harry asks politely. He wishes he was literally anywhere else at the moment.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm good." Louis answers and points at a table by the window. "Let's sit."

Harry hesitates but complies. He can spend five minutes in Louis' company. They take a seat.
"Uhm, I'm really sorry about your mum and Fizzy." Harry says after a moment of awkward silence.

Sadness washes over Louis' face and he looks down at his hands.

"I'm sorry I didn't show up at the funerals." Harry answers and sighs.

"Why didn't you?" Louis asks and gives him a pensive stare.

"You know why." Harry replies and stares at him.

Louis takes a deep breath and looks out the window instead.

"I'm gonna go. Take care, Lou." Harry says softly.

Louis' eyes snap back to meet his.
"Already? I haven't seen you in years, Harry!"

"There's a reason for that." Harry answers coldly.

"Oh come on, can't you forgive me? I missed you." Louis confesses and looks around to make sure no one is listening in on the conversation.

"Goodbye, Louis." Harry says and stands up. 

He hurries outside to get to his car before he'll break down crying. Seeing Louis again stirred up so much and he's in a bit of a shock. He gets in his car and looks up one last time. Louis is watching him through the café window. They lock eyes and Harry just sits there frozen until he snaps out of it and starts the engine. He doesn't look at Louis again and drives away with thoughts spinning in his head. Why did he have to run into Louis?

Where is the story going next? You decide! Comment your suggestions and I'll write it. ♥️

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