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The idea for the next chapter comes from AlwaysInMy28 and thetea13 ♥️

Harry comes home and parks his car in the garage. He walks to his front door and unlocks it before he steps inside. He hates coming home to an empty house. He usually stays over with friends until they're fed up with him. He's really bad at being alone. Maybe he should work on that? He went from living at home with his family to always being surrounded by the boys, crew members, and security. And Louis. He always had Louis by his side. They moved in together back then.

He throws the keys in a bowl in the kitchen after he locks the door behind him and walks up to the coffeemaker. He didn't exactly get to drink the coffee he went out to buy. He looks down at his shirt with a grimace and as soon as he has put on a pot he walks to his closet to get changed. He throws the coffee-stained shirt in the laundry basket on his way back to the kitchen. He pours himself a cup of coffee and heads for the living room.

He puts the mug on the table in front of him and sits down on the sofa. He leans his head back and closes his eyes with a deep sigh. Seeing Louis again had been painful. Especially when Louis was all smiley and pretended as if nothing happened. How could he after everything he put him through?

He can't help it. Memories of that awful time start playing in his head. He had thought that things were going great between the two of them. He had been such a fool. Young and stupid. Everything was great until it really wasn't. How could Louis do that to him?

"Lou, what's wrong? You've been acting really strange lately." Harry said and looked at his boyfriend.

Louis sighed.
"I can't really tell you. Just know that I love you and that I'm really sorry. And Harry? Everything isn't always as it seems. Okay?" Louis answered and looked like he was about to cry

They were sitting outside their management's office, waiting to be called into an emergency meeting they both had been requested to attend. There wasn't anything strange about that. Harry had lost count of how many meetings they had to attend to discuss the two of them. Harry didn't really understand why their management wouldn't just let them come out. Clearly, this wasn't just a fling. They had been together for five years now.

"Mr. Lucas can see you now." The receptionist announced.

Louis swallowed nervously and Harry furrowed his eyebrows. What was going on? They got up and headed inside the office. Mr. Lucas greeted them and asked them to take a seat.
"Have you told him about the situation?" Mr. Lucas asked and stared firmly at Louis.

"No." Louis replied and stared back angrily.

"What situation? What is he talking about?" Harry asked and looked at his boyfriend with panicked eyes.

"Harry I..." Louis started but was cut off by a "Louis" in a warning tone from Mr. Lucas.

"I'm not gonna tell him! I refuse to do this!"  Louis shouted, lower lip trembling.

"You know the deal, Louis." Mr. Lucas immediately said.

They stared at each other but Louis kept quiet.
"Lou, you're scaring me. Please tell me what's going on." Harry pleaded in a small voice.

"I..." Louis tried but he couldn't get the words out. He looked at Harry with so much hurt in his eyes that Harry teared up immediately.

"Louis is going to be a father." Mr. Lucas announced.

Harry burst out laughing but when he saw the look on Louis' face he immediately stopped.
"Wait is he serious?"

Louis didn't respond. Tears started to roll down his cheeks and he just stared at Harry, looking utterly broken.

Harry broke down crying.
"You cheated on me? Why? How could you? To whom?"

"Harry! I..." Louis managed to get out between sobs and reached out a hand but Harry immediately flinched.

"Miss Jungwirth is six weeks pregnant. Louis met her at a bar." Mr. Lucas informed.  

"You told me nothing happened! When those pictures of you came out you said it was nothing. I believed you! How could you do this to me?" Harry shouted, getting hysterical.

"I'm sorry Harry." Louis sobbed.

"I hate you! I fucking hate you!" Harry answered.

"Now, now, calm down." Mr. Lucas said. He seemed to enjoy the situation.

"CALM DOWN? I quit! Do you hear me? I fucking quit. That's it. Sue me. I don't care. I'm not gonna be in a band with him. I never want to see him again." Harry shouted.

"I understand that you're upset but don't be so dramatic. You can't quit the band, Harry." Mr. Lucas said.

"Watch me." Harry growled.

Louis hadn't said one word. He just sat there crying. He didn't try to explain it. He didn't tell him that it was a bad joke. He didn't beg for forgiveness. He didn't do anything. Harry stormed off and he kept his promise. He quit.

He still had to endure being around Louis for a couple of months after that but he was running on hate. Louis looked utterly broken but maybe he should have thought about that before he cheated and got someone pregnant. After their last show, Harry left and he never looked back. Until today.

In a house on the other side of London Louis was also walking down memory lane. Meeting Harry had been painful. He had hurt him so much and still, he had done it for him. Their old management had blackmailed him. They told him that they would destroy Harry's career if Louis didn't agree to their latest plan, to pretend that he was having a baby. They told him all the awful things they would do to Harry if he didn't agree and he had no choice. He couldn't let them do that to Harry. So he signed a contract. A contract that also made sure that he wouldn't tell Harry that the pregnancy wasn't real. Harry might hate him with all his heart but Louis directed all his hate towards their old management who finally found a way to break them apart. A cruel way.

Some day he would find a way to get back at them. 

So what happens next guys?

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