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Suggested by franzixidfc and PinkPiggie1 ♥️

When Harry wakes up the next morning he's wrapped in two strong arms and the love of his life has his nose nuzzled in the back of his neck. He's so happy he could cry. He thought he had lost this forever. He never in a million years thought that he would get another chance with his Boobear. He discreetly wipes away a tear that spills over when Louis starts to stir behind him.

Louis hugs him closer and presses a kiss between his shoulder blades.
"Good morning darling."

"Good morning." Harry croaks in a hoarch voice. His special treatment last night has left a mark. He giggles.

"Oh it's like that huh?" Louis asks amused and starts to tickle him.

Harry laughs out loud and squirms.

He lays on his back and Louis is smiling down at him.
"Hi, beautiful."

Harry breaks out in a dimpled smile and farts loudly.
"Oops!" He says with pink cheeks.

Louis cackles out loud and then the smell hits them and they both fly up from the bed to get away from the stench. Louis is clutching his stomach from how much he's laughing.
"I'm dying! Talk about a wake-up call."

"Stooooop!" Harry protests but he's laughing as well so much he's crying.

When they finally calm down they walk to the bathroom to have a shower together. After a quick wash-up and a handjob or two, they get dressed. Louis borrows clothes from Harry. They walk into the kitchen and Harry wants to make up for the farting incident earlier.
"Take a seat. I'm gonna make us some pancakes."

Louis lights up like the sun.
"You are? God, I missed your cooking."

Harry beams and collects the ingredients he needs. A couple of minutes later the frizzling from the pancakes being cooked is all that is heard.
"I wonder what Niall is up to. You'll never know with the Irish leprechaun." Louis says.

"I have no idea but I guess we'll find out soon." Harry smiles.

Harry flips the last pancake and fetches the maple syrup. Louis has made some tea and pours them two mugs. He puts the last pancake on a plate and turns off the stove and they sit down to eat.
"This is nice." Louis smiles.

"Yeah." Harry agrees.

After breakfast, they take Harry's car and drive over to Niall. They spend the car ride singing along to the radio and they are both in a really good mood.

Niall lets them inside and they greet Zayn and Liam who are camped up in the living room. They all notice Harry limping and grin.
"Looks like you finally got some action last night." Niall comments and wiggles his eyebrows.

They all burst out laughing.
"Yeah, if it's one thing I don't miss about One Direction it's hearing those two at it." Liam says.

"Shut up! Why are we here Niall?" Louis says.

"Well, I got a call from Simon a couple of days ago." Niall starts off and they all make a face.

"Not anymore Simon!" Liam chuckles.

"What the hell did he want?" Zayn questions.

"Well, make money obviously. He wants us to make one last show together. A reunion and a last goodbye since our contract with Syco finally ended." Niall informs them.

"Screw him." Harry says.

"Yeah, no fucking way!" Louis says and Zayn and Liam hum in agreement.

"That was my initial reaction as well but then I started thinking. Just hear me out? Simon told me that the whole show would be broadcast live all over the world. What if we would take this opportunity to speak our mind and finally call him out on all the shit he has put us through?" Niall grins.

"That's...brilliant!" Liam says.

"Yeah! Let's take him down too!" Harry agrees.

Louis sighs.
"I would love to but I can't. I'm still signed to Syco remember?"

"Yeah, what is that shit about?" Niall questions.

"Let's just say that Simon knew about the babygate situation and had a few demands of his own." Louis grunts.

Harry stares at him in disbelief.
"He blackmailed you too?"

"It was more like an unfriendly demand." Louis answers with a shoulder shrug.

"Oh honey, I'm so sorry. You know what? Let's do the show. You don't have to say anything but I will. It's my turn to fight for us." Harry answers emotionally.

"Yeah?" Louis asks. "Okay, I'm in!"

"Zayn?" Liam asks and everybody turns to look at their fifth band member.

He sighs.
"It's a great idea and I really want to be a part of it but I can't be on a stage anymore. I get these anxiety attacks. It's not pretty. I can't perform. They took that away from me. I don't even love to sing nowadays." He looks like he wants to cry.

The rest of the boys exchange a look.
"We don't want to pressure you but we'll all be there for you. Every second of it. We got you. Wanna give it a try at least and if it's too much you don't have to go on?" Louis says.

Zayn looks around at them and they are all smiling and nodding their heads encouragingly.
"I love you guys! Fine, I'm gonna try but don't expect miracles okay?"

"Yaaay! One Direction is back from their hiatus! Let's celebrate!" Niall yells.

"First, call Simon to let him know we're doing the show. Then we'll celebrate and then we'll have to come up with a plan." Liam instructs.

"Whatever you say Daddy Direction." Niall smirks and they all start to laugh.

"I really hate that nickname!" Liam whines.

Niall heads for his office to call Simon and returns a couple of minutes later.
"Simon is delighted."

"Of course he is." Louis snorts.

They spend the rest of the day hanging out. They sing karaoke, order pizza, and just talk about everything that is going on in their lives nowadays. It's just like old times. Finally they talk about the show and throw around ideas about how they will expose Simon. They can't wait.

What happens next?

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