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The next part is suggested by PinkPiggie1 ♥️

Harry is going crazy! He has gone over the whole thing over and over again but he's not finding a solution. It only makes him angry.

The same question is stuck in his head. How could Louis do this to him? Even if he's still angry at Louis he has somewhere along the way realized that he doesn't hate him as much as he thought he did. He hates the situation he put them in and he hates that it confuses him. Your boyfriend cheats and knocks up a girl at the same time, he should hate him, right?

But Louis is Louis. Seeing him after all these years only reminded him of how much he loved him. He still loves him if he would be honest with himself. He hasn't been able to move on. That's discouraging. He needs some kind of closure but he doesn't know if he's ready for it.

He walks down to the kitchen to make some food but he stares into an empty fridge. Great, all of this moody thinking he has been doing lately has really taken over every part of his life again. He hasn't even remembered to buy groceries.

He picks up his car keys with a sigh and heads to the garage. Twenty minutes later he parks outside a supermarket and walks inside. He picks up a shopping cart and starts to stroll down an aisle, looking for something to buy. He isn't really in the mood for anything but he needs to eat. He randomly puts things in his cart that he supposedly needs.

When he rounds an aisle to get to the preserved tin section he stops in his tracks when he spots no other than Louis Tomlinson in front of him, busy jumping up and down to reach something on the top shelf. Fucking awesome! He hasn't seen the man in years and now he's fucking everywhere!

Harry sighs but he can't help the smile that breaks loose, watching Louis trying to reach a tin of crushed tomatoes. Louis is muttering profanities underneath his breath. Harry walks up to him and reaches up to get the tin for him.

Louis gets startled and lets out a small screech. He stumbles back and knocks over a staple of boxes with coconut cream stacked on top of each other. He falls with an "oof" and is covered in coconut cream when he crushes the boxes underneath him.

Harry's mouth falls open and he stares at Louis with widened eyes. He bursts out laughing.
"Oh my God! Are you okay? Did you get hurt?"

"I'm mortified and covered in coconut cream but nothing is broken." Louis answers with pink cheeks and then he starts to laugh as well.

Harry extends a hand to help him get up. Louis looks down on his clothes as soon as he's on his feet again.
"Oh fuck. I really made a mess. You scared me."

"I'm really sorry." Harry says apologetically.

Louis looks at him.
"So am I. Harry, please listen to me, I'm so sorry for what happened. I wish I could explain it but..." He starts to ramble.

Harry stares at him. He feels the anger rise.
"Are you fucking serious? Are you trying to apologize here? In public? And you can't even explain? What the hell is that about? What's your fucking problem, Louis? I think I deserve more than that. Fuck off."

Harry storms off and leaves his cart behind. He gets in his car and drives off. He goes directly to the first bar he can find and orders tequila. He's not dealing with this today. He's gonna be drunk so he doesn't have to think. He stares at the tequila and changes his mind. Getting pissed drunk in public is a really bad idea. He pays for the shot but gives it back. Instead, he drives to the nearest liquor store and buys a bottle of tequila, and drives home.

As soon as he gets home he locks the door behind him, finds a shot glass, and sits down in his living room. He pours himself a shot and stares at it for a while before he picks it up and downs it. He immediately pours another one and drinks that too. Half a bottle later he's drunk but he just keeps going.

Back in the supermarket Louis finds the manager and pays for the damage he has made. Harry had been right. What was he thinking trying to apologize in the middle of a fucking supermarket? Anyone could have heard them and sold the story to the papers. He's just desperate for Harry to forgive him. He doesn't know how to apologize in the first place when he can't even explain the situation but he has to try anyway.

He puts his groceries back and goes home to take a shower. He feels really embarrassed. He really made a fool of himself. He orders a pizza after his shower and sits down in the living room. His phone rings. He looks at the caller ID and his eyes widen in surprise.

"You're an asssshhooole!" Harry slurs.

Louis furrows his eyebrows.
"Are you drunk?"

"Yesssssh. I'm angshry at yoush. Yoush hurt smeeh." Harry slurs again, sounding highly intoxicated.

"You hurt me too! You actually thought I could do that to you!" Louis says and regrets it immediately but Harry won't remember it tomorrow so it's okay.

"Wass are yoush shaying?" Harry asks, sounding confused.

Louis rubs the back of his neck and sighs.
"Nothing. Forget it. Get some sleep Haz."

"M'Kay. I'm sad Lou." Harry whines.

"I'm sad too." Louis answers softly.

"Bye." Harry replies.

"Goodbye Harry. Take care of yourself, okay?" Louis hurries to say.

"M'Kay." Harry says before he hangs up.

Louis picks up a pillow and screams into it. Could he hire a hitman and take out Modest and Syco? Maybe a little too extreme and he isn't a murderer. His contract would still be there anyway. He can't find a way out.

So, what happens next?

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