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Continuing on thetea13 idea. ♥️
Easing into PinkPiggie1 suggestion with a little bit of help from franzixidfc and 28babies

They find a waiting area and sit down. Louis can't just sit there so he gets up and starts to pace back and forth.
"I told him. Sort of. I threw my contract on him and stormed off. I think he was on his way to my house. It's my fault that he was in an accident." He confesses with teary eyes. 

Liam gets up and hugs him.
"It's not. Someone drove a red light and crashed into them."

"Them?" Louis asks.

"Mitch was driving." Liam explains.

"Mitch? Where is he?" Louis growls.

"I don't know." Liam answers.

A nurse walks by and Louis immediately approaches her.
"How's Harry?"

"I'm sorry Sir, who?" The nurse answers.

"We were told that Harry Styles is in surgery. Can you please find out what's happening? Oh and Mitch as well." Louis stresses.

"Rowland." Liam fills in.

"I'll see what I can find out." The nurse answers and hurries off.

She returns ten minutes later and Louis immediately stands up.
"Mr. Styles has a concussion and a broken wrist. He's out from surgery and we're waiting for him to wake up. Room 4428. Mr. Rowland is in the same room. He has some broken ribs but otherwise, he's fine."

"I'm gonna kill him!" Louis growls and starts running down the corridor in search of room 4428.

He kicks the door open and scans the room. Harry is laying in a bed sleeping and Mitch is in the bed next to him. Louis runs up to Harry and looks at him. He's breathing steady. Louis reaches out a hand and caresses his cheek.
"Hi, baby."

"He's fine." Mitch says.

Louis snaps his head to glare at him.
"Fine? Fine? He has a broken wrist and a concussion. I'm gonna fucking end you!" He yells and leaps forward.

Liam comes running up to him and wraps his arms around him and pulls him back.
"Let me go!" Louis growls and tries to get free.

"Calm down Louis!" Liam says and holds him tighter.

"I'm gonna kill him!" Louis shouts and tries to get to Mitch who is staring at him with his mouth hung open.

A nurse comes running inside.
"Do I need to call for security?"

"No, we got it!" Zayn answers.


Louis turns around and stares at Harry who slowly opens his eyes. He blinks a couple of times before he can focus on Louis.
"Leave Mitch alone. It's not his fault."

"Harry!" Louis gasps and Liam lets him go. Mitch is forgotten now and Louis only has eyes for the curly-haired boy in the bed.
"Are you okay? Oh, my God. Are you in pain? What can I do? I..." Louis bursts out crying.

"Come here." Harry says softly and tries to move to the side.

Louis climbs up in bed with him and buries his face in Harry's neck. Harry holds his healthy arm around him and tries to comfort him while Louis cries his heart out.
"I could have lost you." Louis wails.

"You didn't. I'm here. I'm okay. Breathe sweetie." Harry mumbles softly.

"I love you." Louis says.

Harry tears up immediately.
"I love you too. So much. Never stopped."

Louis looks up at him.

"Really." Harry smiles through tears.

"Same." Louis breathes out and connects their lips. They kiss softly.

"I can't take it. I'm so happy!" Niall wails.

"Zip it, Niall! You're always destroying a beautiful moment." Zayn snorts.

"Hush! Both of you." Liam says.

Louis and Harry both start giggling and break the kiss.
"Just like the old days." Louis smirks.

"Hopefully." Harry answers and bites his lower lip.

"I hope so too." Louis answers.

"We have a lot to talk about but I'm really tired. Is it okay if I sleep for a while?" Harry asks.

"Of course Love." Louis says and starts to get off the bed.

"No! Stay!" Harry whines so Louis lays back down.

"Are you sure? I'm not hurting you, am I?" Louis hesitates.

"No, you're not. I'm sure. Louis? You need to apologize to poor Mitch. Now." Harry demands.

Louis turns his head to look at Mitch.
"I'm sorry that I wanted to kill you."

"And?" Harry says.

Louis sighed.
"And I'm sorry I punched you."

"It's okay." Mitch replies.

"Good boy." Harry mumbles before he drifts off to sleep.

Louis just watches him sleep for a while. Then his cellphone rings. Harry stirs but he doesn't wake up. Louis sits up and hurries to take the call.

"Hi, it's Josh. I have good news. Two things, I found a loophole in your contract and I have received some security footage from someone working at Modest containing the conversation you and Mr. Lucas had regarding Mr. Styles."

"That's great!" Louis cheers.

"Unfortunately your management has somehow been informed that you have breached your contract and told people about it and they're trying to speed up the process by suing you before you'll have time to prepare your case. I just received a court date for Monday." Mr. MacManus says.

"That's in four days!" Louis gasps.

"We'll have the weekend to prepare. Can you come into my office tomorrow morning?"  Mr. MacManus asks.

"Of course. Eight?" Louis answers.

"I'll see you at eight. Goodbye."

Louis hangs up and turns around to face the guys.
"Modest is suing me for breaching my contract. I have a court date on Monday."

"How the hell did they find out that you have seen a lawyer?" Zayn questions.

Everybody turns to look at Liam. He stares back at them, looking hurt.
"I would never!"

"We believe you." Zayn immediately answers and clasps a hand on his shoulder.

"It wouldn't surprise me the slightest if they had someone stalking you." Niall suggests.

"Me neither." Louis grunts.

"We'll help you in any way we can. Put us on the witness stand." Zayn offers and Niall and Zayn nod their heads in agreement.

"Thanks, guys!" Louis answers emotionally.

What happens next?

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