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"I call Mr. Horan to the stand."

Niall gets up and takes a seat. He smiles brightly at the jury before he swears the oath.
"Tell us your experience with Modest Management."

"Well, they forced me to bleach my hair for five years because they needed a blonde guy in the group so we could attract different fans. They often turned my mic down during concerts because they didn't like my singing voice. I hurt my knee but they refused to let me have surgery until our tour was finished. I was in a lot of pain and my knee is damaged because of that. Even if I was allowed to have surgery after that the doctors weren't able to fully restore it." Niall says.

"That sounds like a Management who doesn't care about their artists at all."
Mr. MacManus says, facing the jury.

"Objection your honor! He's speculating!" Mr. Arnold shouts.

"Sustained. Delete that from the transcript."

"Let me put it in a question instead. Did you feel like your management was looking after you?"

"Absolutely not! They didn't give a shit about us. They just wanted to make money." Niall snorts.

"And what's your experience regarding how your management treated Mr. Tomlinson and Mr. Styles?"

"They were horrible to them. A bunch of fucking homophobes if you ask me. Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to swear." Niall says.

"No further questions your honor."

"Mr. Arnold?" The judge asks.

"Did you sign a contract with Modest giving them the right to do what they thought would be in your best interest?"

"Yes, but I can't see how refusing to let me get a knee operation would be in my best interest."

"But you had your knee fixed."

"Months later!" Niall growls.

"Did Mr. Tomlinson reveal the content of the contract to you?"

"No." Niall grins.

"Are you proposing that you didn't know of the content before this trial? Remember that you swore an oath."

"Oh I knew but Louis didn't tell me. Liam did." Niall smirks.

"No further questions your honor." Mr. Arnold sighs. This is not looking good.

"I call Mr. Malik to the stand." Mr. MacManus says.

Zayn goes through the same procedure.
"How did your time in the band affect you personally?"

"We hardly slept due to the crazy schedule our management set up. I never had time to eat and I developed an eating disorder and anxiety. I can't even be on a stage in front of an audience today." Zayn begins.

"Who do you hold responsible for this?"

"Modest Management and Mr. Lucas." Zayn answers and glares at Mr. Lucas.

"Why is that?"

"Because they were inhuman! No one should work as much as we did. We didn't have time to sleep or eat for crying out loud! We were under so much pressure!" Zayn says upset.

"You managed to get out earlier."

"I was forced out." Zayn snorts.


"Because I told them that I would contact the media and reveal how we were treated if they didn't stop pushing us to the breaking point." Zayn reveals.

"What happened?"

"They made me look bad in the media. They said that I had a fall out with the boys and that I never wanted to be in the band in the first place. They forced me to leave and threatened to sue me for everything I have if I wouldn't play along." Zayn answers.

"Do you have anything to add regarding your management's actions towards Mr. Tomlinson and Mr. Styles?"

"Even if they treated us all like shit it was nothing in comparison to how they treated them. They did everything they could think of to break them apart." Zayn answers.

"No further questions your honor."

"Mr. Arnold?"

"Did you sign a contract with Modest giving them the right to do what they thought would be in your best interest?"

"Really? You're asking me that?" Zayn chuckles.

"Just answer the question."

"Yes I signed a contract as a seventeen-year-old boy whose biggest dream was about to come through and I was too young and innocent to know what it would mean." Zayn answers and stares at Mr. Arnold.

"Objection your honor!" Mr. Arnold sighs.

"He answered your question, Mr. Arnold. Overruled." The judge answers.

"Did Mr. Tomlinson reveal the content of the contract to you?"

"Nope. Liam did." Zayn smirks.

"No further questions your honor."

"Okay, we'll take another recess. Ten minutes." The judge says.

Louis hurries over to his friends as soon as the court hall is cleared. He pulls them in for a group hug.
"You were all amazing up there! How will I ever be able to thank you enough?" He says emotionally.

"You don't have to thank us, Louis. As I said before, this is for all of us. We can finally fight back!" Liam answers.

"Yeah, it felt really good!" Zayn grins.

"Awesome!" Niall agrees.

Louis locks eyes with Harry and then he takes a step forward and crashes their lips together. They kiss passionately, hands everywhere. At least until they hear Niall giggle. They break loose and try to fix their hair. Louis winks at Harry.
"Later baby."

The court is in session again and they take their places.
"I call Mr. Tomlinson to the witness stand." Mr. MacManus says.

Louis takes a deep breath. This is it!

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