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Suggested by thetea13

"What are you doing, Lou?" Harry asks amused.

Louis looks confused.
"I'm carrying you inside." He says like he's stating the obvious.

"I'm heavy and I can walk you know." Harry protests.

"Hush baby. You're not heavy. I got you." Louis answers, refusing to take no for an answer.

Harry coos internally and allow Louis to pick him up bridal style. Louis is being really tender and careful and Harry loves him for it. He has missed this Louis. This is the caring, soft boyfriend Louis that only he got to see in the past. It makes him a little emotional.

Louis carries him inside.
"Hungry?" He asks.

"Starving. Do you wanna order in?" Harry asks with a smile, knowing Louis' limited cooking skills. He's too tired to make something himself.

"But I wanna cook for you." Louis pouts.

Harry's heart takes an extra beat.
"Do you even have food at home?"

They have reached the kitchen and Louis gently places Harry on a kitchen chair.
"As a matter a fact I do and I know exactly what to make! Chicken stuffed with mozzarella, wrapped in parma ham with some homemade mash." Louis grins.

Harry did the hand motions like he was on autopilot. Well, he tried. His cast on his left arm made it a little tricky. It has been years but Louis has told that chicken story so many times. He could do the hand motions in his sleep.
"I would absolutely love that." He smiles.

"Are you comfortable? Let me get you a pillow for your arm." Louis says and runs off. Harry chuckles. Louis is being an absolute sweetheart. His stomach is filled with butterflies. It feels like he has just fallen in love, like that first wonderful stage when everything is new and exciting.

Louis comes back with a pillow and puts it on the table in front of Harry and is rewarded with a breathtaking smile that makes his whole body tingle. Harry pulls him down in his lap and Louis lets out a giggle.

They gaze into each other's eyes and Harry leans in for a kiss. Louis meets him halfway and wraps his arms around his neck. They both sigh happily when their lips meet. They kiss slowly, taking the time to taste each other's lips. Harry nibbles on Louis' lower lip before he licks it to ask for access which Louis immediately grants. They open their mouths and let their tongues play.

Harry moans softly and grabs Louis' ass with one hand. Louis rolls his hips and their breathing has increased. Louis breaks the kiss.
"You heard the doctor. No sexual content for a week."

"But I'm fine Lou!" Harry whines, sporting a semi already.

"I'm not taking any risks." Louis states.

He kisses Harry on the nose and removes Harry's hand from his ass before he stands up.
"I thought you wanted to eat."

'I'll eat you." Harry smirks and raises an eyebrow.

"Harry!" Louis gasps in surprise and bursts out laughing.

Harry winks at him with a cheeky grin.
"Okay, I want food."

"That's what I wanna hear!" Louis grins and walks over to the fridge to find the ingredients he needs.

Harry leans his chin in his hand and just watches him. He could spend the rest of his life looking at Louis. He's just perfect. He smiles when Louis pokes his tongue out while he cuts the chicken.
"What are you looking at?" Louis asks, sounding amused.

"You. You're beautiful, Lou. The most beautiful boy I have ever laid eyes on. I adore everything about you." Harry says fondly, pouring his heart out.

Louis' cheeks turn pink and he's beaming.
"That can't be true, you're the most beautiful boy on this planet."

"Smooth, Boobear." Harry giggles.

"Oh shut it." Louis chuckles and shakes his head in amusement. "I need to concentrate now."

"Of course, don't let me distract you from your true calling. Stuff that chicken!" Harry smirks.

Louis giggles while he puts the mozzarella between the chicken breasts. He wraps it in parma ham and checks on the potatoes before he puts the chicken in the oven. He wipes his hands on a kitchen towel before he walks over to Harry and cradles his cheeks with both hands.
"I love you so fucking much and I'm so happy right now I could burst."

He leans down to kiss him.
"Me too." Harry says before their lips meet.

They kiss for a while until Louis has to check on dinner. He pours away the water and starts to make mashed potatoes. Harry follows his every move with a fond smile on display. Louis looks at him often and breaks out smiling every time.   
"We're being silly." He giggles.

"It feels like we're in our honeymoon phase." Harry answers.

"I know exactly what you mean." Louis smiles.

He checks on the chicken. It needs a couple of more minutes. He opens a cabinet to take out two plates and he starts to set the table. He folds two napkins and gets two candle holders and lights the candles with a wink at Harry who giggles.

The chicken is done and he fills their plates with food before he sits down across the table. Harry digs in and makes an approving sound.
"It tastes great this time. Thanks, Lou for cooking me dinner." He beams.

"You said it tasted amazing the first time around!" Louis says.

"Ehm, well about that...." Harry giggles.

"Oh no! Don't you dare!" Louis chuckles.

"I loved it the first time as well because you made it for me. No one had ever cooked me dinner before. It's a really special memory." Harry smiles. 

"It is a special memory. I was so in love with you but I was too scared to tell you so I thought I would cook for you to maybe give you a hint. And then you told me that you were in love with me during that dinner and I could finally confess my own feelings." Louis smiles emotionally.

"You never told me that before." Harry answers with glossy eyes.

"I was waiting for the right moment." Louis winks.

After an amazing dinner, they cuddle up in the living room and talk about the future. Much is uncertain for the moment but the one thing they agree on is that nothing will ever break them apart again.

Soooo, fluffy enough?♥️
What happens next?

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