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A little bit of everything. thetea13 franzixidfc kbrooklyn4 28babies LiteralAngels gayshizzzz

"So as your former band members have stated, the contract you signed as a band let Modest Management take control." Mr. MacManus begins.

"That's correct." Louis answers.

"Due to that contract, you had to agree to a long-term girlfriend of their choice. Is that correct?"

"Yes. I had to "date" Eleanor for several years." Louis says and makes quotation marks in the air.

"Okay, explain this to me then. Apparently, they needed a new contract for this whole babygate thing. Why would you sign that contract? You could have said no."

"They blackmailed me into signing that contract." Louis says.

"Objection your honor!" Mr. Arnold shouts.


"How did they blackmail you? And when you say they you mean?"

"Mr. Lucas. He told me that they would destroy Harry's career and his life. I believed him." Louis growls.

"Objection! There's no evidence of this conversation whatsoever. Mr. Tomlinson is lying." Mr. Arnold yells.

"Oh, I was getting there. Evidence L, security film of that conversation. Let's have a look."

Louis stares at the screen. He's screaming and crying while Mr. Lucas tells him everything they will do to Harry if he doesn't sign the contract. A deep sob makes him look over at Harry. He's crying uncontrollably. His poor baby. Niall, Liam, and Zayn are all comforting him. He turns to look at Mr. MacManus when he starts to speak again.
"I have one last request, Louis. Will you read your name on the bottom of the contract you signed?"

Louis excepts the paper and stares at the awful contract in confusion. He starts to smile when he sees it.
"It says, Lois Tomlinson."

"And how do you spell your name?" Mr. MacManus asks amused.

"L O U I S." Louis grins.

"That's right. This contract is invalid. I claim this to be evidence M along with Louis Tomlinsons' birth certificate."

"Oh come on! That's a typing error!" Mr. Arnold protests.

"And a very unfortunate one." Mr. MacManus winks before he turns to the judge. "No further questions your honor, but as you can see I have included a filed complaint, suing Mr. Lucas and Modest Management for blackmailing and wrongful treatment of their clients, including all five members of One Direction."

"Mr. Arnold?"

Mr. Arnold sighs but stands up.
"Did you share the information in the contract with Mr. Styles and Mr. Payne?"

"You mean the invalid contract that I was blackmailed into signing? Yes." Louis answers.

"No further questions." Mr. Arnold mutters.

"The contract is invalid and therefore I will immediately discharge Mr. Tomlinson from the claim that he breached his contract. A lot of new information has been revealed. I leave it up to the jury to decide on the content of the contract and how it was signed. The jury will gather to conclude." The judge says.

They hug it out again. They won the first round but they're all nervous about the verdict. Ten minutes later the jury has made their decision and they all sit down again to hear the verdict. A woman stands up.
"We find Mr. Lucas and his company Modest Management guilty on all charges and we sentence him to pay a fine. Mr. Lucas himself set the price." She smirks.

All five boys hold their breath.
"You will pay Mr. Tomlinson, Mr. Styles, Mr. Payne, Mr. Horan, and Mr. Malik 100 million pounds each with an additional 100 million to Mr. Tomlinson and Mr. Styles, which rounds up to 600 million pounds."

All five boys scream out loud. Mr. Lucas faints.
They all hug and cheer while a medical team takes care of Mr. Lucas.
"I can't believe it!" Niall yells.

"Insane!" Liam shouts.

"We're celebrating tonight!" Zayn screams.

Louis takes Harry in his arms.
"We won baby."

"We sure did." Harry grins before they kiss each other.

They bring Mr. MacManus with them and head straight for a restaurant and rent the whole place. The champagne is flooding and they are all in good spirit. Niall googles Modest Management an hour later and cackles out loud.
"They're bankrupted! No more Modest!"

While the rest of the boys have a Modest is dead dance led by Niall, Harry takes Louis' hand and drags him to the nearest toilet, and attacks his lips as soon as the door locks behind them. They kiss dirty for a while until Louis breaks loose and tries to catch his breath.
"We have to stop. The doctor said a week, remember?"

"It's been five days, Lou! I'm fine. No more concussion." Harry whines.

"I don't know baby. I don't wanna risk anything." Louis hesitates but he grinds his crotch against Harry to tease him.

Harry moans and tries to kiss him again. Louis diverts it.
"You need to rest love."

"Oh, come on! I'll just be on my back. I need you to fuck me. I'm so horny! It's been so long since we made love for the last time. I want you, Lou." Harry pleads.

Louis gulps. How can he say no to that?
"Fine, let's go home." He says and opens the door and drags Harry with him.

"Guys! We're leaving. We have an urgent situation to take care of." He announces with a smirk. Harry blushes adorably.

"Urgent huh?" Zayn chuckles.

"Yep!" Louis says.

"Go. But we need to meet up tomorrow. I need to talk to you all about something." Niall says.

"Do we have to be worried?" Harry immediately questions.

"Absolutely not." Niall reassures him.

They call for a cab and decide to go home to Harry. They make out for the entire car ride and hurry inside as soon as they arrive and have paid the cab driver. Louis presses Harry against the door as soon as he has closed it behind them. He stares intensely into Harry's beautiful green eyes.
"You have no idea how long I have wanted to do this." He whispers before he connects their lips in a hungry kiss.

Uhm, so what happens, next guys? 🤔🤭😘

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