Take Me To The Woods Where It Is Just Us Two

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"Lie and tell myself I can make it on my own. Making it alone is lonely." —Liz Longley.

Chapter Theme Song: 'Rescue My Heart' by Liz Longley.
(A/N: Theme song of the entire novel :)



"Blaze!" I grip the strap of my seatbelt, my heart almost coming through my mouth as he makes another swift turn, causing my head to spin wildly.

He's chuckling in his seat, glancing over at me in amusement with one hand on the steering wheel while the other gropes his gearstick.

"Please slow down," I beg him, and he smiles, the wind swiveling through his hair as he sinks his foot on the gas. I squeeze my eyes shut. Why did I come with him?

My worse regret since I've started Homewood would be allowing Blaze Xander to put his sultry lips against mine, and then the second regret would be getting into his car with him fifteen minutes ago. He's speeding—no, speeding is an understatement—he's flying along the highway, not caring that he's way above the speed limit or that the girl sitting next to him is on the verge of having a panic attack.

"Blaze..." My fearful eyes plead with his, and he seems to be enjoying the fact that I keep whimpering his name since he only increases his velocity, pleasure apparent on his handsome face.

"You want me to go slow...or faster?" He slopes his head back as he peers at me, a lust-filled glint in his azure eyes.

I pretend not to understand the lewd meaning behind his question as I blink my eyes, fixing an anxious gaze ahead as my cheeks become ripe raspberries.

"Tell me." He chuckles, and I purse my lips.

"If you don't tell me what you want, I'll only go harder, Harmony." He smiles. "Would you like me to go slow or faster?"

I won't answer, not when I am aware of what he's trying to do. I may be naive when it comes to sexual intimacy, but I am not oblivious to flirting.

"Okay." He steps on the acceleration and my eyes fall shut as I grip the strap harder, sinking my teeth into my lower lip to repress a squeal. He laughs, shaking his head as he adjusts the handbrake, applying more pressure on the gas pedal as he does.

My heart leaps in my chest as I breathe stiffly through my nose, and I feel like at any second now my life will be flashing before my eyes. The crisp wind stings my cheeks and pricks my eyes and I struggle not to stifle from its heavy briskness.

I don't think this guy sitting next to me is sane at all. His mood has been shifting and changing a lot today and I am unable to keep up. And now it seems I am about to lose my life in a car crash when I am supposed to be at an International Fiction lecture.

He's practically soaring through the air now and my limbs shake drastically from fear and anxiety. Blaze looks down at my quivering thighs and smiles quietly, looking out his window before sinking his foot again.

He makes a crazy turn and I grip onto the ledge of my window with one hand, the other reflexively grabbing his bare bicep. I lift my hand from him quickly as if I have been burnt by fire, and he chuckles as I shut my eyes in anxiety.

"More stubborn than I thought, mm?"

"Stop," I mutter.

"Stop what?"

"Driving so fast." My words are a little above a whisper because any louder and I may puke all over his car. He smirks at this, blue, crystal eyes gleaming with mischief.

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