Games & Mind Games

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"Ain't nobody hurt you like I hurt you but ain't nobody love you like I do. Promise that I will not take it personal, baby if you're moving on with someone new."—Ed Sheeran.

Chapter Theme Song: 'Happier' by Ed Sheeran.



Dustin spins the bottle and it lands on Yuna. A girly chuckle emits from her as she presses her palms against her eyes. "Why do I have to start?"

She scans the circle before her eyes stop on Tia, who notices and tries to shift out of her view, making the whole circle erupts in fits of laughter.

During my giggles, my eyes land on Blaze and he's maliciously looking at me and not taking his eyes off. I clear my throat and look away from him.

Is he still mad? He said things to hurt me too.

"T', Truth or Dare?"

Tia pretends to ponder for a second before she smiles. "Dare."

"I dare you to kiss Dustin on the cheek." Yuna orders and Tia gasps at her friend with wide eyes.

"I am killing you for this, Yuna."

Dustin grins and pushes his tanned cheek out. "I'm all yours, baby."

The group sniggers as Tia closes her eyes and looms closer to pop a kiss on his cheek. As soon as her lips are about to press against his skin, he turns his face around and their lips meet.

She pulls back startled, and everyone convulses in a train of guffaws.

"You cheated." She mumbles almost inaudibly. The orange glow of the fire reveals the bright pinkness now decorating her cheeks. Dustin smiles broadly at her, but she tries to avoid his stare as she goes to spin the bottle again.

It falls on James, who is curled up next to the burning fire fast asleep with his mouth wide open. We laugh, and Dustin rotates the bottle again since James is currently in dreamland. Someone had too much to drink.

"Aha! Me!" Kite says with a wide grin. He looks at me. "Truth or dare, Harmony?"

I knew he'd pick me.

I smile. "Truth."

"Mm." He pretends to contemplate, but something tells me that he knows exactly what he wants to ask. "Is it true... that you think I'm cute?"

To be honest, Kite is good-looking, maybe not as much as Blaze but he's attractive in his own way. But that doesn't mean that I am crushing on him.

I giggle. "Yes. It's true."

A chorus of "oooohs" rings above the breaking flames, and I chuckle lowly, my gaze unintentionally falling on Blaze, who looks so mad that my smile slips away abruptly. I gulp and divert my gaze to Yuna who is currently spinning the bottle. It lands on Dustin, and he pumps a fist in the air.

"Alright! Blaze, truth or dare?"

My heart misses a beat.

He shrugs. "Truth."

Dustin leans back on his palms. "Craziest place you've ever fingered a girl."

No. Not that, please.

I have no idea why the question makes me feel so anxious. Maybe it's the fact that we have been throwing darts at each other all night and I am scared that he will put what we did out into the open, or it's probably the fact that hearing his sexual experiences with other females would break my already injured heart. But the latter makes me less apprehensive than the first, seeing that I had thrown the last painful word at him. He will use any opportunity to get back at me.

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