Pool Party

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"I want you when the sun goes low, your body warmth wants me close. You say you're always by my side, 'till my blood runs dry. And I know that I won't be the same without you, don't let this moment slip away. I'll take you for a drive. Kiss me on the corner with your hand in mine."—Glades.

Chapter Theme Song: 'Drive' by Glades.



"Did you get everything?" April asks me as I grab my backpack from the bed.

"Yeah. I think." I fix the straps onto my back as she reaches for her duffel bag from the ground.

Saturday comes by in a flash, and we are getting ready to head to the pool party at Elviston's Resort. Due to the fact that the only bathing suit I have ever owned is a one-piece with Sailor Moon on the front which I have had since I was fifteen, April offered to get me a burgundy swimwear with matching shorts at the mall downtown. After an hour of convincing me to take the gift, I did.

"Guys, the boys are ready!" Yuna announces as she and Tia enter our dorm room.

I smile at how great they look. Yuna has a large straw hat covering her hair, and tiny beach shorts sits over her yellow bathing suit. Tia seems to be wearing the same designed swimwear, but the only difference is that hers is black, and she chose to wear white mesh pants over it.

They seem to be quite comfortable with their bodies, and I wish I had that level of confidence. I felt like the cleavage of my swimwear was too much and so I threw on my 'I LOVE SLEEP & FOOD' T-shirt over it, deciding that when we get there, I may take it off.

"How much is it to get in?" I ask April, who is currently fixing the strap of her pink bathing suit.

"Oh no dear, Kite is paying for everyone." Tia grins.

I raise a brow at this. "Everyone?"

Yuna giggles. "Yeah, his parents have big bucks." And she brushes her thumb against her fingers for visual.

I am not surprised. His house was humongous.

"Oh, but why didn't he have the pool party at his house though?" I wonder curiously, pulling the strings on my bag so it fits firmly.

"Well he was going to but his parents are going to be home all weekend. So he had to switch the venue." Tia tells me.


"Yeah, come on guys, let's head out."

We leave the dorm room to make our way out to the parking lot.

It is a perfect day for a pool party. The sun is high in the sky, and the wind is cool and refreshing. I brush my hair out of my face, regretting not snatching it into a ponytail or something. The breeze is doing an awfully good job at throwing it into my face.

My stomach does the weird leap it does whenever I see Blaze, and my strides slow down momentarily as I take in the sight of him. He's leaning against his car, unaware of my stare since he's engrossed in a conversation with James.

We spent all week together, and since I didn't have Literature on Tuesday and he had no class on his schedule, we spent the entire day watching movies in his dorm room. I feel like I have gotten a lot closer to him now, and it is indeed the best feeling alongside him finally opening up to me.

His built which I secretly adore so much is evident from beneath the white T-shirt he's wearing, and his natural curls poke out from the black cap fitted backward on his head. He reaches his hands up to fix it properly, making his T-shirt ride up a bit, showcasing the small tattoo along his waist.

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