Part II| He Will Say It When He Is Ready

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"Someone taught me that I was evil." —Kate Vogel.

Chapter Theme Song: 'Rain' by Kate Vogel.



I am standing in my spot motionlessly, glaring at her and trying to understand how she got inside when I am positive, I had closed the door. I know Blaze can pick a lock, but Maddie? Can she?

Taking notice of my obvious confusion she lets out a mirthless chuckle.

"I am so sorry; did I startle you?"

Her question snaps me back to reality, and I shake my head. "Um, no...I just...thought I had closed the door...what brings you here?"

She shrugs her shoulders as she steps closer. "Oh well, I am just paying you a visit, is that odd?"

I shake my head while running my palms against my shorts. Her presence makes me agitated and fretful because the look she gave me earlier at the meeting did not seem normal at all.

"I mean, my dorm room is right next door to yours, so it's just two seconds walk." She states.

"Wait...your room is next to mine?" I lift a brow.

She giggles. "Yes, silly. My daddy paid extra for that one, so the girls who had been staying there had to get another room. Money conquers all. Isn't that awesome? We can be so close to each other now. It'll be super fun."

Well, this is escalating into one of those Lifetime eerie films in less than a day.

"Well, thanks for stopping by," I say, hoping she will decide to leave now. I don't like the aura she's giving off.

She frowns. "I don't think you're happy to see me; you were obviously expecting someone else..."

"Oh, oh no, I was just—"

"It's Blaze," she interjects. "Isn't it?"

I blink, unsure whether to just admit that I was, in fact, waiting for him. She will find out about us sooner or later anyway, and she must have already discovered that we are into each other after that emotional scene we put on in the music club this evening.

"Yeah..." I admit. "I was actually waiting for Blaze."

I watch as her face twitches at my confession, but she forges a smile while her eyes are gleaming with something. Anger? Jealousy? Danger? Or perhaps it's all of them.

"Oh well, that's sweet..." She reaches a hand up to her hair and pulls out a pointed, black hairpin, her dark waves dangling around her face as they fall along her shoulders.

I swallow uneasily, as she begins to twirl the sharp edge on her fingertip, the freakish smile still prominent on her mouth.

"What?" She cocks her head. "It's a hairpin my mom bought during her visit to China...nice, right?"

I smile, but it is far from genuine. "'s nice."

I subtly take a step back because the atmosphere is now thick with an ominous mist.

"You know what I love the most about it?" She grins widely, and I shake my head.

"I love the fact that it's pointy. It's like a knife, I mean, imagine piercing someone in the neck with this, you know Harmony, that's a sure death right there, don't you think?"

I don't answer because my heart is now racing at a million miles per second. I gulp hard and take another step back, but she begins to inch forward, slowly and steadily.

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