I Am No Angel, I Never Was

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"I ain't no angel, I never was, but I never hurt you, it's not my fault. You see those eggshells, they're broken now. A million pieces strewn out across the ground." —Birdy.

Chapter Theme Song: 'No Angel' by Birdy.



While the room erupts in cheers and standing ovations, I sight when Blaze swiftly gets up amidst it all, his head hung as he hastens through the translucent door.

My face falls in disappointment. It seems he didn't like it. I told him I didn't want to want to do this and now it is official that I suck.

Justine's reaction to my performance is one of awe mixed with despise, and Mal is jerking me two big thumbs up with a wide, impressed grin on his face.

I smile a little in response, but all these flattering applaudings mean nothing if the one person I was hoping would like it —hates it. And so after bowing awkwardly as if I am on some Broadway show, I quickly make my down the aisle, thrusting open the door and stepping out into the quiet hallway, feeling the immediate warmth of the almost setting sun as it pours its rays onto the barren corridor.

I look left and right for him, frowning when I see no sign of the boy in a black tank shirt. God, did my voice scare him off so much that he had to leave the entire scene?

I sullenly bite the inside of my cheek and turn away to return inside, but as I am about to grip the metal handle of the door, my eyes catch a glimpse of his familiar frame, sitting on the pavement at the corner of the wall.

A beam makes its way onto my face, and my features chirp up as I briskly walk over to him, observing that his head is bent as he seems to be plucking leaves off a small stalk that he's holding.

I step down onto the dirt track and gather the hem of my dress into a pile before plopping down next to him on the cemented ground. His head lifts from its hanging position as he turns his face to meet my gaze.

"Found you." I grin childishly as if we were playing some game of hide and seek.

Failing to get an answer from him, my smile fades into a scowl as he drops his gaze back to the stem he's holding. His expression is streaked with melancholy and I fear that his gloominess is because I did an awful job up there. Is he disappointed?

I sigh and look down at my fingers. "You hated it."

He looks to me, shaking his head. "No, No I didn't, Harmony. I loved it...a whole lot."

My lips flatten in a tight-lipped smile as I worriedly fix my dress over my knees. "You did?"

He nods, shutting his eyes as a little he does. "Yeah."

I find it hard to believe. The previous times he had complimented me right after I sang, but today I had to fish for a compliment.

I frown. His face is saying the complete opposite. "Then why does your face look like that?"

He stares at me for a while then discharges a sigh as he looks away quietly.

"Mm, Blaze?"

Our gazes meet again, and his eyes appear so vulnerable that it moves my heart. I have never seen this emotion from him. Is he alright?

"What's wrong?"

His lips part to say something when a voice sounds from beside us.


I peer up in the direction the voice came from, squinting my eyes to make out Malcolm's face amidst the bright glow of sunlight above his head. A smile graces my lips as I stand up, dusting my dress off. "Hey, Mal."

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