It's Not Logics When It Comes To You

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"I can't say no. Though the lights are on there's nobody home. Swore I'd never lose control then I fell in love with a heart that beats so slow." Troye Sivan ft. Alex Hope.

Chapter Theme Song: 'Blue' by Troye Sivan ft. Alex Hope.

A/N: Please listen to the above song :)



Blaze is a Sociopath. I have heard a few things about it in the movies, but I had no idea I would meet someone with the condition in real life.

It means he lacks the emotion of empathy and all those feelings that make you "human." He cares for no-one, he trusts no-one, and sadly, he loves no-one. Which is exactly why he tends to use girls and exactly why he can't tell me that he likes me.

Now that I know this, I realize that what he did, approaching me to get between my legs, was totally unintentional. He really can't help it.

Based on reading and watching fiction films, I know that Sociopaths can get a little violent, and that explains why he is often so short-tempered and would stab someone in a heartbeat. I also know that they make perfect delinquents. All these factors about him that people judge him for is totally against his will, and he does not deserve these negative criticisms at all.

"Is the news that shocking?" He says, snapping me from my evaluative thoughts. "I didn't mean to scare you, but you wanted to know so I told you."

I shake my head. "I won't..."

He looks at me, and his expression is skeptical. "You won't what?"

"I won't leave you. That's not enough for me to just walk right out."

"What would be enough?" He interrogates, shifting his body so that he is now directly facing me. "Would me, killing someone, be enough?"

He's trying to scare me, but I am not afraid at all.

"Nothing," I state. "Nothing will be enough for me to leave you."

His expression relaxes at my answer, and he looks almost...relieved?

"I still can't trust your words," he mutters. "Even though we did an invisible contract earlier."

"Do you want to seal it then? With something that could replace a pen and paper?"

He looks at me. "Like what?"

I loom closer without a second thought and plant my lips against his.

It catches him off guard, and he's blinking his eyes confoundedly. Soon he lays down his eyelids and begins to move his lips against mine. The kiss is slow and pure and isn't one that would lead to sex. It is just a mixture of my loyalty to him and reassurance that I won't leave his side despite knowing his dark secret.

Our mouths break apart, and he looks down at me, searching my eyes with his.

I swallow. "The contract is sealed."

I gesture to draw away from him when he grips my arm and pulls me closer. Our eyes connect, and it feels like our souls immediately connect as well.

"Do you know what you just did?"

I nod.

"You just signed yourself away to me," he whispers. "That's like selling your soul."

"Except that my soul is still mine." I smile a little.

His lips quirk up. "Then what did you sell to me just now? Your heart?"

If only he knew that I had already given him that since the first day I met him. But I can't say that; he wouldn't feel it now, would he?

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