19 / Worried

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"Hmm, lalalala~" Jimin felt like he was still on cloud nine when he entered the apartment, humming into a song before shutting the door behind him softly.

Even when he was taking off his shoes, his eyes were too focused on his phone but still wondering why the lights were still off when Jungkook was supposedly at home at that hour since the guy went home earlier than him.

Smiling to himself from ear to ear with his thoughts getting occupied by Bramm, he switched on the light of the living room. He was too oblivious of his surrounding that he almost had a heart attack, dropping his phone and jumping back because of fear when he saw Jungkook sitting on the couch and staring at him.

"Do you really want to kill me?!" Jimin held his chest, breathing in shock as he picked up his phone from the floor. "Fuck, I can't believe you stayed there sitting down and not even speaking."

He still couldn't move on from what happened. It was like a scene in those horror movies where the killer was sitting there silently in the dark, waiting for the victim to enter the house.

"Where were you?" Jungkook was staring blankly at him, sitting with his legs crossed, making the boy feel like he was under investigation.

Jimin found it a little creepy. The guy's voice was very serious almost sounded like a mother who's ready to scold her daughter who went home late.

"What do you mean, 'where were you'? Since when did you care about what I do and where I go?" Jimin asked while taking his jacket off. He noticed that Jungkook was still waiting for an exact answer to his question so he just rolled his eyes. "Alright, I went to Hoseok's place right after my shift was over."

He just couldn't believe that he was explaining that to Jungkook. For what? He doesn't know. The look in the guy's eyes just made him do that. It was weird.

And what's even weirder was that-Jungkook eyeing him carefully as if he did something suspicious. The stares were striking straight into his soul.

It seemed like Jungkook was there just to ask that to him because after that, he stood up and ready to go to his room after getting the answer he wanted. But there was this thought in him that Jimin went out on a date with someone but at least he finally confirmed that his hunch wasn't true.

"Have you had dinner yet?" Jungkook asked in a somewhat calm but monotonous tone.

As a thought occurred to Jimin, he checked his phone to look at the time. It's 9pm already and he didn't eat at Hoseok's place since he thought of eating together with Jungkook when he gets home.

Before he could even answer, his stomach grumbled. "Not yet."

"That's nice. Go to the supermarket for me, we don't have any foods left on the fridge. It's empty."

"So you were just waiting for me just to tell me to go to supermarket for you?" Jimin raised an eyebrow, hands on his waist and looking down at the guy. "If you just go to the market by yourself earlier instead of wasting your time sitting there doing nothing, then we probably had our dinner prepared by now."

But Jungkook isn't that kind of person. He always eats outside with Yoongi before Jimin came into the frame. When he let the boy stay at his place, he thought that eating outside without Jimin isn't a great idea.

"Then make me a real dinner. Cooking for me is the least you can do."

Jimin rolled his eyes. How can he even refuse to that? He doesn't hate cooking, in fact, he can do the basics. He can still try to cook decent meals for them, and everything is possible with the help of internet.

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