25 / Questions

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I slowly nodded, extending my arm to shake hands with him. "Hi, I'm Jimin. Park Jimin, Tae's friend and workmate." I introduced as our eyes met once more and I stopped for few seconds when the familiarity came through. "Wait, have we met before?"

I swear, I'm really bad at remembering faces, but I had this feeling that we've met once before.

Yoongi just shrugged before saying: "I don't think so." He was quite drunk, face getting red even more as the light hit his face. He avoided my eyes and said "Don't just stand around here and get something to drink."

I just smiled back at him before he whispered something to Taehyung and kissed his cheek after. "Have fun! I'll just check on some people right there, okay? I-I'll be right back." He said as he walked off. I just shouted a short thanks before looking back at Tae.

"What can you say about him? Handsome right?" Taehyung giggled. "Do you want to look around here? I'll go with you." He asked me, holding an empty cup on his left hand.

"Nah, it's alright. I actually hate crowds, I don't want to dive in there." I chuckled and finished what's in my cup.

He just nodded at me, examining the people that were scattered around. "Oh wait, you want something to eat? Chips?" He asked me again, putting down the empty cup on the couch.

"Sure." I replied, then he told me to wait, before he disappeared.

While waiting for him, I turned around to and observe the people who were obviously enjoying the party unlike me. I felt the anxiety fluttering in the pit of my stomach as some drunk teenagers pushed past me and I even saw some couples making out.

By the time Taehyung was gone for few minutes now, I glanced over at the direction from where he went, just in time to see Jungkook walking around and my heart skipped a beat, nervous that I saw him here. So, that's why he told me he'll be late tonight.

Then a thought just came through me, finally realizing that Taehyung's boyfriend was the one who was with Jungkook at the bar. I knew it, that's why he looked really familiar.

"Jimin! Sorry, I just bumped with someone I know at the kitchen." He apologized with his voice a bit loud since we couldn't hear each other because of the music and the sound of the people's voices chattering around us. He was holding two bags or Dorritos in his hands.

Actually, it was really bugging me that Jungkook was here too, and my inner self was telling me to go after him but there was a part in me whispering not to do that.

"Uh, Tae, where's the washroom?" I asked him all of a sudden because my stupid self couldn't wait for the perfect chance and was eager to talk to Jungkook.

"Do you want me to go with you?"

"Ah, no, just tell me where it is. I'm fine."

He nodded slowly. "Okay so, just go straight that hallway and then turn left, you'll see a staircase on the right and then beside it is the washroom." He instructed then insisted to go with me but I refused.

I left him behind and let myself mixed in with the crowd, and went to the direction where I saw Jungkook. I started up the stairs to the second floor. The steps squeaked faintly under my weight and I haven't reached the top and didn't have to look for Jungkook for too long because as soon as I started my way to go upstairs, I saw him stumbling down the stairs. It felt weird seeing him walk like this since he always was so graceful even at school. Just like what Hoseok told me, he looked like a role model student.

A tall blonde girl caught my eyes after, who was obviously trailing behind Jungkook, he was holding him on his arms for support. Her red lipstick smeared all over his face and neck, the first few buttons of his polo shirt were unbuttoned-evidences that they had done what they apparently could do best.

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