Chapter 4 - Mission Report

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Chapter 4

Metropolis (three hours earlier)

The team landed the bio ship in an abandoned parking lot in Metropolis. It was getting later at night and the team had no idea where to start looking for this mystery girl.

"Why do you think she went to Metropolis anyways?" Wally asked the group.

"Maybe she lives here? I can pull up her face from that video and run it through facial recognition if I hack into the cities mainframe. Might take a minute though," Robin replied. Then, with a laugh he vanished. The team all looked at each other in confusion.

M'gann was the first to voice her thoughts. "What exactly are we supposed to do if we find her? Just follow her around all night?"
Kaldur spoke up, "Well, that is what the Batman instructed us to do."

"Well, he also said to try and get her to join us, didn't he?" Wally questioned. Superboy shook his head no. "Only if an opportunity presented itself. Not exactly sure what he meant by that if I'm being honest however. It doesn't seem right just to pull her from her family."

"Superboy is right, we won't just go around taking people away from the people they love. That is kidnapping, and we are not criminals," Kaldur said.

"I found her!" Robin appeared next to them, sunglasses and all even though it was dark. This guy is taking his secret identity way too seriously. "She walked into the Metropolis Library a few hours ago and hasn't come out yet. It's only a few block from here so it shouldn't be too long."

The group looked at each other and shrugged. This just got a whole lot easier, and a whole lot harder at the same time. What were they going to do, just spy on a girl in the library? It felt wrong to most of the team. Except Robin, he was used to this kind of thing.

So with that, they took off walking towards the Library, it already being almost 11 at night. They got there to find it surprisingly unlocked, but all the lights were off.

"She still hasn't left yet, and there appears to be no one here," Robin informed the group. He pointed at the long line of books in the dimly lit room and whispered. "Everyone split up, we don't have comms so the best course of action is to meet back here in fifteen. Anybody have anything to add?"

Miss Martian raised her hand shyly. "Yes, Megan?"

She shifted from foot to foot while fidgeting with her shirt. "I can create a psychic link that'll let us all communicate with each other without talking. Would that be helpful?"

Everyone gave her a quizzical look. "You can do that? Babe, you are one jack of all trades, that's awesome!" Wally whisper yelled. Robin shook his head while everyone else rolled their eyes at Wally. Finally Robin looked back at Megan and nodded. Yeah, that'll work, just don't go prying in people's heads alright? That would be very rude. Strictly communication."

Megan beamed at the team. "You bet! Now, if everyone would just relax so the link can be made, then we can start." With that she closed her eyes for a few seconds before opening them again.

"Can everyone hear me?" The team was caught off guard for a second while Superboy winced hard trying not to scream. He hated people in his head. He had to keep telling himself it was just for comms though to himself down. It helped. A little.

Everyone else nodded at the Martian girl. "Everyone take a different sector of the library. Try not to cause to much attention to yourself. We are exposed here and we don't want prying eyes on us. Let's go," Aqualad finished, everyone nodding and splitting up, searching for the strange meta/magic user.

Superboy took the far left corner because he didn't expect to actually be the one to find her. To his shock, he rounded a corner and saw her passed out on the floor in the corner of the room, behind a bunch of bookshelves where people would have a hard time seeing unless they were looking for her. Which they were.

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