39: Of Muffins and Ammunition

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"Angel, how do you feel about making our relationship public?"

I blink at Harry, once, then a second time, not sure if I had heard him right. Going public? I explode in laughter, wrapped in the absurdity of the idea. That's hilarious—going public. Huh. I should tell Claudia that when she wakes up.

My giggles fill the room, and I look at Harry only to see him frowning at me, and so is Kendall. He blinks at me too, but not sporting the same confused expression that I'm sure is on my face. My gaze dart between them, instantly sobering up.

"Oh. You're serious."

Kendall raises her brows at me, a small smile on her lips as her palms dart forward as if to present something in her hands.

I turn to Harry. "You can't be serious," I deadpan, watching him. But he is. He really is, judging by the look on his face—the straight set of his mouth and the determination in his eyes. "How... why would... what?"

"I've discussed it with my team," he starts slowly, pulling a sheet of paper from his pocket and unfolding it. "We've laid out the pros and cons this morning, but we'll go over it with you too, if you want."

So that's what the meeting was about? He'd proposed this concept to his team?

It winds me that he'd taken the time of day and the bravery to open that topic up to his management. If he really had, then it sure as hell is worth listening to, isn't it? Despite the suddenness of situation and the mess currently swirling in my head, I find myself nodding. So he dials a number on his phone, his publicist—Laura, and she comes into the room after a few minutes.

After exchanging pleasantries, Harry, Kendall, and Laura spend the next hour or so explaining everything to me—like what to expect (e.g. the media and his fanbase to gobble it up and spread the news like wildfire, which in turn would be quite a chaotic first few days, the backlash, the articles, everything).

They'd also dissected every possible course of action, back up plans after back up plans. They'd even discussed how to slowly ease the announcement in, so as to not cause uncontrollable chaos. We'd be pushing a narrative of some sort, something that could appeal to the fans. At one point, I'd felt like starring in a James Bond movie—or in this case, a Charlie's Angels one, except I'm not the movie star with perfect long flowing hair and stunt doubles.

I'm just me. Kennedy Claire Walsh, a small-town girl turned Youtuber turned social media influencer. I face enough controversy as it is, going public with Harry would only result to much much much more, and I don't think I would be ready for any of that.

Laura directs a question to me, crossing her legs and leaning back. "Are you ready now?"

"Now?" I squeak, heart beginning to thump wildly in my chest.

Harry's voice is firm and low when he says "no" while his eyes remain on Laura. "She hasn't even agreed yet. Don't pressure her." Then he turns to me, rubbing my knuckles with his thumb. "You can say no. You can always say no. I just wanted you to be in on the decision-making and the entire process."

Kendall takes initiative, pulling Laura with her to somewhere else in the suite for Harry and I's privacy. I nibble on my lower lip until I'm sure they're out of earshot. Harry waits, patient and understanding, while I try to make my mind up.

I'm sure Harry declaring his affection to the world is part of every girl's dream. And I should be floating, in cloud nine, that he's willing to risk it for me, but all that's running in my head are the dangers that come with it.

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