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With tears in my eyes, i stayed as quiet as possible, knowing frankie is sleeping, and headed to the bathroom. In our bathroom we have a long mirror that hangs on the door, i stripped myself of my clothes, leaving me in just my underwear and stared at my body.
I was generally average weight, but i felt fat. Scars littered my thighs and arms making me feel ever worse about myself. Before i had time to notice, frank had walked into the bathroom and wrapped his arms around me.

"Its going to be okay. You will be okay." I just continued to cry and shake my head as he pressed his head to my chest and his arms round my back.
He began to sing to me.

"Id give up forever to touch you cause i know that you feel me somehow. Your the closest to heaven that ill ever be, and i dont want to go home right now."
I knew the song, it was a song i used to listen to a lot, Iris by the goo goo dolls. I hugged him tighter as we lowered to the floor. Frank continued the song. He had a beautiful and very unique voice, i think i could listen to it forever.

When he finished, i must have fallen asleep, because i woke up with the room filled with sunlight and i was in my bed.

"You good?" Frank asked quielty as he came out of the bathroom, a towell hanging on his hips and water dripping from his hair to his shoulders. I nodded and left to get us food.

"Mornin sunshine" i heard in a familiar voice. I turned to see mikey sitting in a reading area.
"MIKEY" i squealed. Jesus christ i missed him. I held him for like 20 fucking minutes before sneaking him past the staff and into my room, holding 3 plates of food.

"Frankie, we have to be quiet. Mikey is here." I whispered as i walked into the room and handed frank the food.
"Hey mikey, im frank. Your brother is rad as fuck" frank greeted mikey and mikey smiled back.
"Well frank, its nice to meet you." I could see mikey studying franks skinny frame and trying not to make it obvious. Frank noticed too.
"Its okay.. if you want to look. .." frank said im a small voice.

We all sat and ate our food while discussing all sorts of things.
"Hows mom and dad?" I asked as mikey swallowed some food.
"Umm... well. The usual i guess. Mom is a lot more.... rude to me. I think maybe she just misses you though." I nodded and watched franks eyes seem to play back old memories of his own parents.

"So frank, hows gerard treating you?" Mikey said with a smirk, obviously already figuring out about my crush on him.
"Amazingly. He helps me when im sad. Sings to me. Talks to me about books and music. Eats with me. Once he threw trash at me when i was sleeping." Frank laughed at the memory and continued "honestly he treats me perfectly."

I assume he thought i couldnt hear as im in the bathroom, but i would hear it all. I smiled to myself.

Daydream Of My Funeral (Frerard)Where stories live. Discover now