Chapter 12

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"It's not Frank" Mikey's voice rang in my ears. Just my luck.

"Can you put Frank on?" I whispered.

"No, he stormed into the apartment, muttering about he's made a mistake them slamming his bedroom door."

"Please just put him on Mikey" I cried.

"Why? Why are you crying?" He questioned.

"Because I'm lost in the middle of Belleville after nearly being raped!" I shouted down the phone. There was a slight pause and some shuffling around.

"What can you see around you? Is there any street signs?" Mikey whispered.

"There's just warehouses? Oh I'm on Mooring Street?" I sobbed.

"Right I'm coming to get you.. Stay there!" He hissed and the phone hung up. I sat on the pavement flicking rocks into the road. I started to feel much more sober now, I just wished I went with Frank rather than being a brat. Must have been about half an hour passed until Mikey's car pulled up in front of me. I pushed myself up dusting the rocks off of me and clambered into Mikey's car.

"Thanks" I murmured. He just nodded his head slightly and began to drive back to our apartment block. We mostly drove back in silence until Mikey decided to talk.

"What happened?"

"I was slightly drunk, well quite a bit drunk and Frank tried to take me home because it wasn't safe for a girl to be drunk on her own but being the brat I am I told him to go. I met this guy and we started talking. He kissed me and obviously I kissed him back but then he tried to take it further so I pushed him off of me but he wouldn't.. S-stop" I whispered letting out a little sob.

"Do you accept that's your fault?" Mikey interrogated. I nodded my head before I began crying again, like I said I'm an emotional drunk. We pulled up to an all familiar apartment block it must of been about 3 or 4am. The streets of Belleville were very much alive. Mikey and I entered the block and stood inside the elevator in silence as we traveled to the 17th floor, the occasional sniffle from me and the occasional sigh from Mikey.

"Uh, you can sleep on the sofa if you want?" Mikey scratched the back of his neck nervously.
"That would be nice I guess" he nodded as we headed into their apartment. He walked into his room leaving me and the sofa. Not long after he came out with a quilt, pillow and a pair of boxers with an Anthrax tee. I muttered a quick thanks he nodded then headed back into his room, leaving me once again.

I got changed into the clothes he gave me and climbed onto the sofa. It wasn't long after I fell asleep I got one of my daily nightmares.

I sat in a chair, it was pitch black. Suddenly the lights shot on and I saw my father and all my bullies laughing at me. Then my mom, Gerard, Frank, Ray and Mikey were pushed into the room.

"Diana why did you put us all in danger?" Gerard spat at me.

"We were happy before you!" Ray laughed.

"You lied to us Bells! Well you're not Bells are you?" Frank cried.

"Enough!" My father bellowed, he picked up his shot gun I knew awfully too well. He aimed them at my friends and shot them all. I looked down at their lifeless bodies. This was all my fault. It's all my fault. I should of died not them!

"NO!" I cried.

I shot up from my sleep in a cold sweat, it's all my fault, they're going to die because of me. It will be all my fault. I softly cried into my pillow hoping I didn't wake anyone up.

"Arabella?" A very tired Mikey emerged from his room, rubbing his eyes as he walked over.

"Go away!" I cried into my pillow but it was all muffled.

"Arabella? Why are you crying?" He softly spoke. Why would he care? He hates my guts .

"Because everyone hates me and I deserve to die!" I sobbed even more.

Mikey came and sat on the sofa and softly started stroking my hair.

"Just try and get to sleep"

"Stay with me?" I murmured.

I felt the weight on the sofa shift and the presence of someone lay next to me. He rested an arm over my waist and began stroking the hair out of my face.

"Just got back to sleep Bella" he whispered. It wasn't long after Mikey came and lay next to me I feel back into a deep sleep.


I woke up on my own. I looked around to see I was in Mikey and Frank's apartment on their sofa. I'm pretty sure Mikey was lay next to me last night but I'm not sure. I felt incredibly hungover, I had a pounding headache and felt I was going to puke my brains out. I looked at the coffee table to see there was two painkillers and a glass of water, I smiled. People are too nice to me, I took my tablets and decided to try and get some sleep. I heard Frank come out of his room, I pretended to be asleep immediately so I wouldn't have to talk to him yet.

I heard some footsteps come up behind me then pause right next to me they retreated back and headed into Mikey's room. He was obviously confused to why I was here. His door opened again and twice the footsteps and they stood in front of me.

"Why is she here?" Franks voice broke the silence.

"She rang you last night for help but you left your phone in here" Mikey replied and started heading to the kitchen.

"Help with what?" Frank's voice laced with worry.

"Well it's not my business but let's just say a jerk wasn't very nice to her."

"What do you mean?" Frank pressed further.

"Look it's not my business" Mikey groaned getting more annoyed by the minute.

"Well did she tell you?"

"Well she asked for me to put you on the phone, you were asleep so I said I can't then she started crying and told me" Mikey sighed.

"Ugh, I'm going back to bed" Frank stormed out slamming his door behind him.

"Can I have a coffee?" I groaned.

"Yeah sure whatever." Mikey muttered heading back into the kitchen to make a coffee.

I made my way into Frank's room, I can't hide from him forever.

"Frankie?" I whispered.

"Bells! What happened? Are you ok? I'm so sorry!" He started rambling on.

"I'm fine, I'm fine. I just got a little careless last night." I smiled.

"Bells?" Frank looked down at what I was wearing.


"Did you and Mikey...?"

I burst out laughing. Me and Mikey? That'd be a sight to see, I wouldn't sleep with Mikey if I was too drunk to know who I was and he was the last guy on Earth. I can't believe Frank thought me and Mikey would do that.

"me and Mikey? Of course not!" I laughed. Frank's cheeks went a dark red in embarrassment.

"Well why are you wearing his clothes then?"

"So I didn't have to sleep in my dress I guess?" I didn't really know why I was wearing Mikey's clothes, he just sort of brought them out to me.

"Bella!" Mikey shouted from outside Frank's room.

"That'd be my coffee I'll be back Frankie" I giggled as I exited his room to see Mikey at the front door talking to someone.

I made my way over to see a face I never wanted to see again.

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