(18) Scuse me for any missed spelled things

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V'Luxuary "Tiny"

Why this kid keep texting me ?

Anyway my dad left and he said 'tell yo ugly ass brother to bring you some cause I'm not gonna blah blah blah whatever he was saying cause I don't know what happen but I know I knew what he was sayin but now i don't even remember.

He calls Tray my brother because I been calling him that for a longgggg time and the pass months I've been calling Kemo and uzi brother too because they said I'm there sister.

Anywaysss I heard a horn and got hyped because my food and snacks was outside and my brother was here.

I went outside but it wasn't his car but the door open and I twisted my lips rocking back and forward on my hill.

And my brother got out .

yayyyy my food and I looked behind him and Kemo was getting out but he seemed off.

"Kemooooo, hey"I said and he nodded his head going in the house.

I knew something was off.

We'll talk.

"So you just gon act like thats your only-"

"Blah blah blah heyyy big brother"I said making a silly face and hugged him.

He hugged back and made a face and I laughed and he did too.

"Anyways your food is in that car"he said pointing.

I squinted my eyes at him and the car.

I couldn't see anything inside the car these were some tinted windows like REALLL tinted.

I walked slowly to the car and looked back at Tray and he was smiling.

Some ain't right.

"Who in here"I asked Tray.

"Nobody, why would it be somebody in the car that I didn't drive"He said laughing nervously and I opened the door.

Then I closed it right back.

"Oh, you real funny" I said and tray laughed and I looked at him still blank facing him.

"Ay, come here"I heard behind me but we gon pretend I didn't.

I let out a deep breath and opened the car door and grab the food and another bag out.

I tried standing back up but I got snatched down inside the car and the door closed and locked.

I rubbed my faced and looked down.

I looked at Draco and he looked at me.

"Wassup"he said.


"Do not start with that dry ass respond, why you left me on rea-"

"Are we really about to go over this again it's going be the same argument and your going to do the same thing repeatedly so why are you even wasting your breath saying this"

"What you mean"He said and I looked at him cause I wasn't about to repeat myself.

"What altercation were we in today"I asked not looking at him.

I stayed looking down the whole time.

"Oh, why you spoke to everybody but me before you left"he asked.

I blanked hard and thought about the question he asked and I asked myself and answered more then once in my head so he should be able to figure it out.

"I don't even know, but I'm finna go in the house so-"

"Mmtch was it because- never mind ok bye get out"he said and I got out happy because I can finally eat my food but I can't do it in peace cause I'm a Lil.... you know tight .

I walked in and closed the front door and went to my room and when I walked in it felt like somebody else was in my present.

I sat on my bed and started to eat and went deep into thought about the situation between me and Draco.

Like why would he even get mad at me.

He had a girl and started leading me on and I kinda fell for him in the process so I just pretend it don't hurt and replace it with a smile.

I won-

"Somebody would've been kilt yo dumbass I know you felt me staring at you"I heard and I jumped and fell on the floor.

"Christian you scared me I forgot you came in here I knew somebody was in here but I ignored it"I said shrugging and - Draco messed up my mood to be honest.

"So if you had a feeling you wasn't going to call me"

"Nah that ain't it - Something just- i don't know kinda messing with my head but -"

"Someone or something"


"How it be both assbrain"

"Something someone said or did"I said shrugging and I looked at him.


I patted the bed and he sat down but he was stiff.

"What's on your mind big brother"I asked.


"Is it the argument / fight you had"I asked and he looked at me and nodded.

His phone ringed and it was Tray calling.

"You did what you had to do and I see that you still have love for the girl if you like her talk to her and if you need someone with you when you do I'll go with you stop thinking about it but if it still does be on your mind call me and we can talk about it and if it's on your mind tomorrow we're going to go over her house"

He looked at me and nodded.

"Go I know you have to cause tray is going to keep calling your phone"

"I love you sis your the only one that understands me"he said and hugged me .

"Are you crying dumbass"he asked and I didn't even realize.

"I'm sorry it's just that was sweet I love you too big bro see you later alligator"

"I'm not finishing that fucking lame ass joke- alright alright after a while crocodile" he said and we laughed and he hugged me again and left.

I got finished with my food and fell asleep.

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