Chapter 1

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It's almost time to head to hogwarts for 4th year. I was just putting my Slytherin Robe in my suitcase when I heard Uncle Remus call me down to go to 9 and 3/4.

"Emery darling, we should really get going! It's almost 11!", he exclaimed coming from downstairs.

"Coming!", I said as I walked down. Uncle Remus is really my god father. My real father, Sirius Black is in Azkaban for who knows what. Remus doesnt like to talk about it to me very often. I've been staying with Uncle Remus since Dad has been locked up. I'm in my 4th year at Hogwarts and Uncle Remus is actually teaching there this year.

I have never known who my mother was and have no idea where she is now. Remus never knew her personally and well, dad can't exactly tell me about her.

"Ah there you are Emery," Remus said getting all his things down as well, "Oh by the way your Aunt Narcissa mailed you a letter," he continued to say pointing at the letter on the table.

Dear Emery,
I am so so sorry I haven't written to you dear. I have been quite busy with lots of things and you're cousin. Anyways, I just wanted to hope you a great 4th year and please watch over Draco again? He sees you as an older sister.
Love always,
Aunt Narcissa

Narcissa Malfoy. She has always been there for me while my father has been locked up. Of course Remus was there too but he didn't really talk about emotions very well. I always mailed to Aunt Narcissa if I needed to and she's always felt like a mother to me.

Her husband Lucius on the other hand, well let's just say I'm not his favorite. He doesn't accept the fact that I'm a half blood given the fact my mother was apparently a muggle. Although we aren't quite sure if she was even a muggle. No one knows who my mother actually is except for my father.

Now Draco. He's a year younger than me and can seem quite rude and mean. Well, sometimes he really can be. But in private, he really is just a shy young boy. Draco once told me he's sometimes scared that if he does something wrong, Lucius might do something bad to him. So, he does everything he tells him too. Draco has always been a little brother to me.

"Emery we should get going now!" Remus called from outside.

"Alright! I'm coming", I called.

A/n: Hi! So btw this is my first fanfic ever written. Also if u were wondering how does Remus let Emery go to Malfoy Manor etc, he only lets her because he trusts Narcissa with her.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐃 𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐈𝐂𝐄 - DISCONTINUED -Where stories live. Discover now