Chapter 8 - Truth Or Dare?

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"Truth, I guess"

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"Truth, I guess"

"Have you ever peed in the shower?" Tyler questions.

"Yup," I nod waiting for him to continue, I glance over at Dante to find him putting his fist against his mouth to stop a laugh that's begging to come out.

"Wait you have?" Ty asks, amazed.

"A girl gotta do what a girl gotta do." I shrug, and glance over at Chris."Truth or dare?"


"Eat a spoonful of mustard," I reply.

One of the things I know about Chris is he hates mustard.

"How could you? I thought we were best friends?" Chris says with a look of hurt on his face.

"Tyler is actually my best friend, sorry to burst your bubble," I admit, with a smirk.

"Great just let me measure your wrist Lola for our friendship bracelets," Tyler replies with a cheeky smile on his face, "Oh and what color do you want?"


"What a beautiful experience it is to see a new friendship blossoming in person, but Chris do the dare please." Dante says crossing his arms.

"Fine, but you little lady I'm coming for you," Chris says pointing his finger at me, while walking to the kitchen.

Chris comes back into the living room with a frown on his face, and he has the spoon filled with mustard extended in front of him.

"What are you waiting for eat it," I demand.

He takes a deep breath in, closes his eyes and plugs his nose and places the spoon in his mouth. We all watch with interest as Chris starts to turn red and gags as he runs back to the kitchen covering his mouth with his hand. Not a minute later we hear the kitchen faucet turn on and him spitting in the sink, and gargling with water.

"That was evil," Dante whispers.

"I know," I chuckle looking up at him.

Five minutes later Chris walks back into the room and sits across from me and glares at me. "What took you so long?" I ask with a grin.

"I threw up and brushed my teeth."

"Oh shoot," Tyler says, laughing while rolling on the floor.

After thirty minutes of playing truth or dare it's finally my last turn, "Truth or dare?" Ty asks.

"Or," I reply.

"Funny, but pick." Chris says dryly.

"Dare," I say looking at Tyler.

"I dare you to go in the closet with Dante for five minutes," Tyler says looking at Chris.

"What? No way," I said, shaking my head and looking at Dante. "When did this turn R rated?"

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