Chapter 13 - Chase

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Closing my eyes and taking a deep breath I glance at my surroundings

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Closing my eyes and taking a deep breath I glance at my surroundings.

I'm currently sitting against the bumper of his car on the cement ground, Dante is sitting next to me on the floor as well, with concern clouding his face.

"No one can see me right?" I ask quietly.

"No, we're in the back row of cars," Dante says touching my knee supportively. "Do you want to talk about it?"

Good, I don't want anyone recognizing me, and then that leads them to take pictures of me having a mental breakdown and posting it on the internet.

"You must think I'm a freak now, I'll understand if you run back in your car and speed away, don't worry about me," I say with a frown and a wave of my hand.

"Are you joking?" He exclaims, moving around to sit directly across from me. "That was the last thought I would've thought about seeing you having a panic attack," He says with so much passion in his voice as he gazes at me. "This just proves to me how strong you are Lola, never think that low of yourself."

"I just had a panic attack when you tried to kiss me, Dante! Who does that?" I exclaim frustrated and put my face in my hands.

"Someone who has only grown stronger from a tuff past, that's who."

"I'm the farthest thing from strong," I mumbled while looking up at the clear night sky.

He grabs my chin to connect my eyes to his and says, "Can you tell me what happened to you?"

I would tell him, but I'm ashamed, and every time I talk about it I freak out. However, I feel I owe it to him since he helped me out of my panic attack.

I sigh and pull my legs to my chest and rest my chin on my knees, "I started dating this guy four years ago. The first two years were everything I can ask for in a relationship. He was a gentleman, smart, funny, and good looking." I trail off thinking about how stupid I was for falling in love with him in the first place.

"But one day it's like he woke up as a different person, he would swear at me, hit me, and he would never let me leave our apartment we got together before he turned into a monster," I say as my voice shakes. "One night I didn't want to get intimate with him, and he got so mad at me, I will forever remember how his screams sounded when he slammed me against the wall and screamed into my ear."

"I tried to get away from him, I swear I pushed with all my might and screamed back at him that I was going to call the cops. But before I could even get to the phone he grabbed a knife and stabbed the side of my stomach. It was the most painful thing that I've ever felt in my life, I still remember the way my flesh ripped as he jabbed the knife in my side, I could still hear my muffled screams as he covered my mouth with his hand." I admit with tears streaming down my face at a rapid pace now.

Dante's staring at me with a shocked and mortified expression on his face, " When he left the room I took my chance in grabbing my phone and called my big brother Chase, he quickly came over not before calling the cops. But Chase got to me first before the cops did, he was so mad seeing me on the floor holding a cloth to the bloody wound that he went to find my ex," I say sobbing now in Dantes's chest when he grabbed me and pulled me into his chest.

"My brother never came out of that room," I say hysterically now, getting flashes of that night in my head.

Dante gasps and covers his mouth, and holds me tighter to his chest.

"The funny thing though is before my ex stabbed me and shot my brother in my bedroom, we came here to watch a movie."

I say glancing at the big screen that's showing Hazel crying over August's death. Funny thing that's exactly how I feel right now.

"I thought he changed when he brought me here, but in the middle of the movie, he wanted me, I didn't, and he drove home to punish me for, being bad," I say shrugging and looking into his sad brown eyes.

"Where is he now?" Dante asks softly.

"In jail for the rest of his fucking life," I say harshly.

"My brother died because of me Dante if I didn't call him he would have been here today," I say as my throat feels like it's closing.

"Your brother died trying to protect you, you can't blame yourself over this, neither of you knew the psychopath had a gun," He says while gripping my face in his hands.

"Can I see your scar on your stomach?" He asks gently. I nod while tears continue to cloud my vision, "It's ugly."

"No it's not, it will only make you look more beautiful," He says while pulling my shirt up a bit and grazing his finger across the long line of rased white skin on my stomach.

"And I was right," He whispers gazing up at me with adoring eyes.

"And I was right," He whispers gazing up at me with adoring eyes

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Poor Lola right? Damn she's a strong woman!!

How did you like the chapter?

Isn't what happened to Chase so sad!! 

Btw I update every single day!!! As you can tell I work super hard on this book everyday to get chapters out to you guys!!

Can we please get more votes and comments on this chapter, as a writer I can get discouraged when I don't see any votes coming in or any comments. This would make my day, so please support me!


Last but not least,


Xoxo, Lexi

Xoxo, Lexi

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