Chapter 8

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Garrus was running on the treadmill when the news of the shuttle being destroyed came through the channels. He got off the treadmill and immediately headed toward the Command Center leaving his bag behind him. Garrus hoped that the information was incorrect. He had been overly excited when the interference coming for Juxhi subsides a bit, allowing for communication to go through. He had heard Dr. Lang and her assistant were requesting a pick-up and Garrus had volunteered to go but Nihlus had asked Maenia to fly the shuttle instead. At this point, it didn't matter who went to pick up the doctor and the assistant, Garrus was just glad that they were being picked up.

After they had departed from the battlecruiser, Garrus did a bit of digging and found the true reason why Nihlus had asked him to join him and why there were civilians on board. It turned out that the "civilians" were undercover agents and were sent to investigate a possible A.I allegation against a known Alliance Hero. The identity of the Hero or the agents was not named anywhere in the files Garrus was able to find. He could only assume it was to protect the identity of the agents in the misfortune that the files fell into the wrong hands.

"What happened?" Garrus asked barging into the Command Center. "What did they say?"

"Not much," Nihlus replied giving him a quick glance. "Shuttle went down."

"Impossible," Garrus stated outranged. "That shuttle was in top shape. It-"

"I know," Nihlus said in a tight voice. "Maenia took my personal shuttle."

Garrus was speechless. He hadn't realized Nihlus had sent Maenia with his shuttle, he rarely let anyone touch his prized possession.

"Has the Council been notified?" Garrus asked going over to the console. "They would want to know-"

"Garrus," Nihlus said drawing Garrus's attention to him. "I know how to do my job."

"I-I didn't-" Garrus couldn't believe what he had said. Of course, Nihlus knew how to do his job. He was a Spectre and a Captain.

Nihlus dismissed what Garrus was able to say, he knew Garrus didn't mean anything about it.

"The Council wants us to pick up the survivors," Nihlus replied, nonchalantly. "Their exact words were 'bring back the intel,' they don't care much about anything else."

"Doesn't matter who has the intel," Garrus interpreted. "As long as they have it."

"Exactly," Nihlus replied. "How hard can that be?"

It turned out to be harder than Garrus and Nihlus have expected. The two of them took the spare shuttle down to Juxhi and were met by the wannabe security "investigating" the crime scene. Most of the security personnel were asari and humans, no turians, or any other species.

"Sir," an asari said as the pair of them disembarked near the crash site. "You're not allowed to be here."

"Who's in charge?" Nihlus asked ignoring her statement.

"Sergeant Salas," replied an asari pointing to the Sergeant who was speaking with a turian and another asari.

"Over there," Nihlus said to Garrus indicating to the direction where the Sergeant was. "Let me do the talking."

As they approached Ms. Ka'li said something to the Sergeant who immediately turned in their direction.

"One of you responsible for these two?" the Sergeant asked not waiting for an introduction.

'She must be part Krogan' Garrus thought following Nihlus's lead.

"Captain Kryik," Nihlus replied. "I'm hoping you can tell me what happened."

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