Part 24

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Before starting the story, I want you all to kindly go and check the new story which I have posted.

"The Art Of Chase"


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Red. Not even pink. Dark red. That was the colour of your cheeks. The strong yet teasing glances of the others made you embarrassed and they all well understood the shortcomings of your flustered face and actions.

Taehyung didn't seem bothered but even he couldn't escape the leg pullings from his family and friends. You were very thankful when they continued playing, finally diverting their attention from you to the game.

As the night grew more, one by one everyone stood up, wanting to spend some alone time with their respective partners. Ana and Seokjin walked to the other far side of the backyard, sitting on the swing. Jimin and Liz too went somewhere else.

Jungkook, who was till now with you, also stood up to go back to his room, while chatting with his online girl-friend, all the time smiling and blushing. Now you were left alone in front of the bonfire with Taehyung beside you.

You wrapped yourself with the blanket, bending your knees to hug yourself tighter and then took a side glance at him. "Why did you take the shot?" You asked, breaking the silence which wasn't that awkward. He looked at you before looking back at the half burnt woods of the bonfire.

"Because I don't lie." He replied curt and short. "It was so embarrassing!" You flicked your tongue, still remembering the gazes you earned from everyone. They weren't fools to not understand anything. "So kissing me is embarrassing but sharing one blanket with Jungkook is not?" He turned to look at you.


Glare at you.

"Ahhhh! Not again with my bun." You shook your head only for him to scoff at you. You smiled to before shifting towards him. He looked away from you but felt the same blanket wrap around his shoulder. "No!" He glared at you. "I don't want something which you did for another guy!"

He pushed your hand away. "It was just a blanket. It's not like I kissed him." You forcefully wrapped the blanket around him. "Yaah!" He glared at you again, flaring his nose. "Omg. Look how your nose is blowing up." You giggled, bopping the mole of his nose.

"Stop irritating me." He snapped but you focussed in sitting comfortably between his legs and later put the soft cover around you two completely. "Go and sit with Jungkook." He whispered into your ear while you rested your back on his chest. "You sure about that? He might be in his room right now."

You let out a small chortle. "Go ahead." He murmured but his hands wrapped around your waist, caging you tightly in his arms. "Nice." You snuggled more towards him, watching the fire burn the woods. "So you want me to fall in love with you...hmm?"

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