Part 30

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The entire party was like a slow and poisonous torture to him because you were roaming in front of his eyes, looking like a pure goddess, yet no matter how much his hands were itching to grab you, he couldn't approach you amidst the crowd and chaos.

It wasn't only for the people keeping you busy but also because you yourself were avoiding his staunch and intense gazes which were making butterflies erupt in the pit of your stomach that you didn't go to him or let him come near you. He glared at you when you willingly accepted to dance with Jungkook, after ignoring him for this entire time.

The brewing lust inside him was now converting into anger and untamed desire when he eyed you swaying with Jungkook on the dance floor, well aware of the growing problem in your fiancé. He, in the heat of the moment, accepted Yumi's offer to dance with her, making her happiness reach to some undefined level.

You looked at him from the corner of your eyes as he pulled the lady with him on the dance floor. You weren't jealous of Yumi. You know how much he dislikes her but you were surprised seeing him act so immaturely. It wasn't like you didn't have any idea that you were playing with fire but you liked to tease him because he gets jealous easily. That too of Jungkook!

You rolled your eyes when he pulled Yumi close, still glaring at you. "Look at her." You mouthed, when his eyes met yours and the way he clenched his jaws angrily at you, you instantly dropped your teasing smile and averted your gaze from him. He was about to yank Yumi away and approach you now but then saw his dad approach you instead.

This time you were dancing with his dad and he groaned internally. You laughed when your eyes landed on him again and winked at him, fueling the fire more. "Yaah! Such boring dance is going on...let's play the game of switching partners while dancing in the circle around the wedded couple." The host of the party announced suddenly.

You looked at Taehyung and the frown of his face was now replaced by a vicious smirk while you gulped a little. "Oh no! I am screwed now." You thought to yourself. Mr Kim swirled you in small circles taking you by surprise and you let out a chuckle. The music started playing again.

Ana and Seokjin were dancing in the middle while the others were circling around them and dancing while swapping their partners. You were currently dancing with Jimin, who was making random funny faces to you. You were laughing so much that you didn't notice Taehyung who was going to be your next partner.

As soon as Jimin swirled you, someone else sneaked his hand around your waist from back and your breath hitched on your throat, realising the very familiar touch. He pushed your waist from side and in a swift movement, you turned around, crashing against his toned chest.

"Playing too hard to get, hmm?" He spoke in a low octave, through gritted teeths. Your one hand held his shoulder while the other rested on his chest. You blinked your eyes, looking at him innocently, driving him crazier than he already was. "y/n…" his husky voice sent shivers down your spine making the hairs of your skin rise up.

"hmm?" You hummed in a timid and mellow voice and gasped lightly when he pulled you closer, leaving no gaps between your bodies. "You have been ignoring me all this while and…" he let out an amused chuckle which didn't feel good to hear. "You dared to dance with Jungkook in front of me." He bit down his lips, his eyes that were shadowing under his bangs, still kept you rooted in place.

"I-...I.." you didn't know what to say. He was straight out staring at you and not even moving. The lights were dim or else it would be embarrassing if people present there would have noticed you two standing still on the dance floor where other couples were dancing.

"S-Sorry." You didn't know why but you apologized. Maybe you shouldn't have ignored him but how would you make him understand that you were ignoring him because you were feeling shy to be near him. He was making you feel things you have never thought you can feel so deeply.

"Come with me." He said and with that he pulled you with him, through the crowd to a secluded corner, behind everyone's eyes. "Whe-" your words cut off in the middle because with a light push to the wall, he hovered over your frame, cupped your cheeks and placed his lips on you.

He finally kissed you. He was dying to kiss you since the time you stepped into the party, looking so pretty in that gown. He wanted to devour those plumpy and luscious lips and express his love through his actions. His desire to have you kept on increasing with every minute that passed and all that he wanted now was to have you in his arms.

"Tae-" you moaned lightly, feeling him bite down your lower lip only to enter his tongue inside your mouth to explore the already visited corners. He expressed his dominance in you, sucking on your lips till appetite, tasting away the last bit of the strawberry chapstick that you have applied over them.

"You look so beautiful y/n…" he spoke with a dreamy gaze, caressing your face. You panted for breath and blushed hard when he dipped his face into the crook of your neck, making a small moan escape your lips. His every delicate touch on your body left a brewing effect on you and your senses that you squirm in pleasure under his hold.

"20 Kms from here, I have an outhouse. If you want then stop me right now from taking you there but things would go out of control once I step out of this party with you." Your heartbeats went to the maximum when he spoke this into your ear.

You understood what he meant. You understood what he wanted and was desiring. It's not like you were feeling any different but his libido was heightened to the perks already. You breathed out heavily, feeling his light pecks on your collarbone.

"Wh-What will I tell Appa if he c-calls me?" You moaned when he bit the skin of your neck and later sucked it to soothe the pain. He raised his head from your neck to give you a devilish smirk. "Which means you aren't stopping me?" You blushed under his gaze and looked down, tugging a strand of hair behind your ear.

"Appa…" your words trailed off when he pulled your waist, joining his forehead with yours. "Tonight, just remember me y/n. Just me and no one else." He kissed your temple before pulling you out of the party and towards his car.


Research says that the next chapter is unholy 🌚🧘
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