Plans Set Into Motion

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She stared past the two armed guards at the offending gilded door. She knew that the longer she waited to approach, the greater alarm she raised with the guards. They were impressive specimens, taller than the doorway, and rivaled the Prince himself in their cutting gazes. 

Dal shifted forward and pulled her long, auburn hair over her shoulder. If she tilted her head just the right way, she knew her long, creamy neck would be on display. As if on cue, she caught their eyes flicker past her chin. 

She smiled.

"I'm the Magistrar's apprentice - I'm here to see the Prince," her voice was soft and honied. She watched the apprehension melt from their eyes.

The one on the left nodded, before disappearing for a moment behind the golden door. A few moments later the guard returned and held the door open for her.

She bit back her own apprehension, and glided ahead past the large door, jolting when it slammed shut behind her with a bang.

In front of her was a large archway, and between it laid Beasty. His head perked up at her appearance. His mouth opened wide, and his tongue lolled out as if to smile at her.

Prince Tullvomm appeared behind Beasty a moment later.

"Miss Peppercorn, what a lovely surprise," the Prince smiled wide, "I thought after our last encounter I must have scared you off."

Beasty looked between the two of them, snapping his tongue back in his mouth.

Dal swallowed the growing nausea in her throat and plastered a pretty smile on her face. One that said friendly. Warm, but a little coy. One that would draw the prince in further into this dance of theirs that she had begun.

The Prince stepped past Beasty, drawing closer to her. A small, low rumble, emanated from the hound. "Peace, hound. Miss Peppercorn is harmless."

Beasty looked at her, his perked up.

"I've visited the Begonia gardens after dinner every night for three weeks. And yet, a certain apprentice has been absent. Has their aroma lost its appeal?" Prince Tullvomm towered over her, his dark blue gaze searching hers, probing. She knew the question he was really asking her, and she fumbled for a response that would be agreeable. That would entertain him. That would enchant him.

"The Begonias are beautiful, but what of other kinds flowers? The Daisys, or the Daffodils, perhaps?" She looked up at him through her lashes and tried not to flinch when he took another step closer to her.

"I am rather fond of a great many flowers, perhaps I should venture into different gardens?"

"Perhaps you should," Dal held his gaze for a moment, before transitioning to safer territory, "I actually came here for a very specific purpose."

"And that is?" His voice still held a hint of gentle teasing.

"Your blood, Prince. It seems the Magistrar needs something stronger for you to win the Princess's heart," she tried to force the bite out of her voice.

A smile played on the Prince's lips, as he no doubt misread her unease for jealousy, and he motioned for her to follow him. "I have the tools in my study."

Beasty stood and padded behind the Prince without command, his tail low behind him as if ready for attack. His posture made her nervous. 

If Dal thought her rooms were luxurious, she realized that the Prince's were downright opulent. His rooms split off in three directions past the arched entrance, and they went straight ahead towards the study. The hall opened up into a large circular room, lined by bookshelves and sofas and dark brown oak furniture.

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