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Sexy times in this chapter 🙂

All their bags were packed, so Paxton had the pair stand to the side while he summoned Alastor. It was much easier for him to summon the lord of Hell, as he was Alastor's first sin and had a special connection to him. All he had to do was press on the tattoo taking over his arm and it would burn, calling Alastor to him.

A portal opened and Alastor stepped out, raising an eyebrow at Paxton. "For what reason have you summoned? I know if you wanted the vampire dead you could do it on your own," he said sounding annoyed, but there was humor in his tone.

Winter didn't seem to hear it and hid behind Renato.

"I need you to bring us to the others. Tristan has been blowing up my phone and telling me I need to come home and visit."

Alastor hummed and glanced over at Renato. "Who is hiding behind you?" he asked, before turning back to Paxton.

"This is our adopted child, according to his demon," Renato said, wrapping his arm around the trembling human and led him to Alastor's portal.

"Would not have expected that from you," Alastor said, looking Paxton up and down. "Well, let's go before Tristan decides to make an impulse decision and get on a plane."

Paxton laughed. "Does he even have a passport?"

"Would it stop him?"

"Probably not."

Alastor hummed and stepped through the portal. "Well, we best not leave our impatient friend waiting," he said, making sure the trio was following him.

They entered the throne room in the palace of Hell, Winter's eyes blown wide as he looked around. Renato's were the same, since he'd never gotten to visit and investigate what he called 'the wonders of Hell.'

"Please allow me to visit here sometime and take notes," Renato begged, making Alastor roll his eyes. "Please?!"

Alastor sighed as he opened another portal to the mansion where the other demons lived. "Yes, you can stay here for a few days in the future and ask questions and investigate, so long as you take care of my sin."

Paxton blushed when Renato kissed the side of his head.

"I shall take very good care of him," Renato said, almost purring out the words. "My soulmate and my newly adopted son."

Winter looked up at Renato, his eyes almost glowing with excitement and happiness at being referred to as part of their tiny family. He nearly leapt into Renato's arms, hugging the vampire tightly before slipping out of his grasp and doing the same with Paxton.

"Alright, tender moment, now go through the damn portal and get out of here," Alastor said in an annoyed tone, pointing at the portal. "Summon me when you wish to return home. I will make occasional stops in your home to make sure it's secure."

Renato thanked him before leading his group through the portal.

They arrived in the kitchen of the mansion, which was eerily quiet because they hadn't taken the time change into account and it was just past two in the morning.

"Let's go set our stuff down in my old room. There's another room across the hall from my room that you can sleep in, Winter," Paxton said, handing the human his bag of clothes that they'd packed, even though they needed to go get him more at some point. "Is that okay?"

Winter nodded, but he still seemed a bit hesitant. "No one will come in and hurt me?"

"No, I promise you they won't," Paxton assured, but before they could walk down one of the many halls to his old room, someone showed up in front of them.

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