(Mishu) Your turn

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"Woah~ what's that amazing smell?"

I was at my room playing with my phone when I smelled this great scent.

I followed it to the kitchen knowing that somebody might me cooking. As I went in I expected Soojin to be there but it was the one and only Yeh Shuhua.

She was baking again.

I went closer to the tray of cookies.

"Wanna have one Eonnie?" She said to me while I was standing in front of her prepared food.

"Yeah sure." She handed me one, or more like fed me one.

"How is it?"

"It's amazing!" I exclaimed.

"Really Eonnie?" She asked really excited.

"Yup, I'm not kidding about it, who are you making this for anyway."

She put another batch of cookies to the oven.

"Jinjin-ah" She said to me then smiled.

I knew it but why did I expect something else.

I've liked Shuhua for who knows how long now. Though for her only Soojin is special.

I'm used to being hurt by her pushing me away all the time but sometimes I get affected to much that I get annoyed too.

These days I just try to busy myself to ignore those feelings.

I have a new drama which is good, I guess. It can take my mind off things.

"Miyeon-ah, you okay?" Hwiyoung, my co-acting pair, asked me.

"Yeah why?"

"I just see you spacing out a lot." He chuckled at his remark.

"I just have a lot in mind lately."

"Can I be of help in any of that?"

I snickered slightly. "Nope you can't."

As we finished the shoot, the team went to have a meal with all the staff. All of us stayed till night.

"Miyeon-ah, our car have a little tire problem I think we'll come home later than others." My manager said.

"It's okay, if not like I have something to rush on the dorm."

"Oh, you can just come with us." Hwiyoung suggested.

I looked at my manager.

"Sure, Hwiyoung-ssi, if you don't mind."

Since I couldn't turn down the offer and more like I could get a free ride, I went with Hwiyoung and his manager.

We arrived in our dorm around 12 already.

"It's really late." I said while looking at my watch.

"Yeah, the taping didn't delay our rest, the team dinner did." Hwiyoung laughed at his statement.

I opened the car door and went down which was followed by Hwiyoung. I looked at him confused why he went down with me.

He gestured to the door of the building. Ahhh.... He wants to walk me until there.

We began walking a few steps.

"Do you guys live in one dorm too?" He asked.

"Oh, we're cut 3:3 so I guess you can say that."

"Oh really, I thought you guys did, since there's just 6 of you." He put his hands at his back walking politely.

"Thanks for the ride, Hwiyoung." I ended the conversation as I wasn't really that interested in investing my time on him.

I smiled to him before turning around and as I did, I spotted Shuhua looking at me all weird.

"What is it, Shuhua-yah?" I asked her but she didn't reply and headed upstairs.

She's getting more weirder nowadays.

I entered the dorm following Shuhua who was storming inside. She went in the door and stomped her way to her bedroom.

Meanwhile I was just amused by her and watched her get all grumpy.

"What's wrong with Shuhua?" I asked Soojin who was on the couch.

"I was gonna ask you the same question." She replied while eating popcorn.

I was tired by the shootings and flopped next to Soojin.

"You know, she was extremely worried about you. She kept asking me when you'll arrive and when she heard a car stop in front of the dorm she'd run down to see." Soojin seemed to be very used to the fact that Shuhua is worried about me but for me it is weird.

"So she really waited for me? Then why is she like that then?" I took off my jacket.

"Were you with someone when you went in the dorm?" She faced me while eating.

"Yeah, one of my co-actors gave me a ride, so he went with me till at the door of the building."

She chuckled a little. "Now I know why."

"Why? Whyyy~~" I shaked her shoulders and did a little aegyo.

"Figure it out yourself." She said and shoved my hands away.

I didn't ask Soojin much about it knowing that she definitely won't tell me.

I just laid in my bed.

What's wrong with Yeh Shuhua today?

It's not like I did something wrong though.

What did I do?

Should I apologize?

But what for?

I covered my face with me hands of of frustration.

"I give up, that girl would care for only one person anyway." I said before finally drifting to sleep.

I woke up in the morning with an amazing aroma in the air again.

I went to the kitchen to see cause I already knew it was Shuhua.

I walked slowly not wanting to break her concentration while making the cookies for her all beloved Soojin.

"Woah~ this smell is crazy Shuhua-yah!" I exclaimed to her completely forgetting that she was upset with me last night.

She didn't say anything but proceeded to putting the batter for her cheesecakes.

I guess you're getting ignored now Miyeon, so much for a chance with her.

I just turned to walk away from the kitchen but she finally said something.

"Want one?" She smiled subtly.

I just nodded and excitedly went to the table where it was all put in place.

"Wow.... You're really getting good with making food, you can even build that restaurant you wanted now." I said while eating.

"Thanks Eonnie" She said and took out the ones she just cooked.

She became silent again while putting the one's she made carefully placing them on the pretty metal box she probably bought.

It had little cookies in it with some chocolates and the cheesecake. She prepared a lot.

"Oooh~~~ Soojin is really gonna like this." I said while looking at her closing the lid.

"It's not for her though....

It's for you."

She said and handed me the metal box.

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