(Minqi) First snow

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I have experienced many winters in my life....

...but never once I have seen the snow falling.

I've seen it in dramas and movies, and have always wondered how is it in real life.

Training on this foreign country seemed to dawn my thoughts too. Like it turns you to develop a sad demeanor and a fighting spirit.

Like everyone else I want to try and feel happiness too. I want to have a person I can talk to, maybe rely on when I feel down. Despite me wanting that I've always been left alone. All my trainee friends have been eliminated, most of them have returned home crying.

Now as I sit in this cold practice room, no one has dared to bother me.

"Shuhua-yah, have you seen Yuqi around?" I heard Soojin's voice as she door opened.

"I don't know, do you need something from her?" Shuhua replied. I faced their direction.

"I just wanted to ask her opinion about a dance I prepared." Soojin said.

"Ahhh... Try down stairs." As Shuhua said those words Soojin immediately went down.

Shuhua went back to practicing her dance. I just sat on the cold floor starting at her. I haven't really talked much to Shuhua, she's only been here for few months I guess.

I heard about those two trainees. Song Yuqi and Yeh Shuhua. They're one great force to deal with.

After trying a few dances, Shuhua bid me goodbye and went out of the practice room.

I was left there alone again for these past few days it's like this.

I looked at myself in the mirror.

I've been a trainee for a long time now, I'm starting to doubt if I can even debut.

Should I just quit?

As I stared there souless I watched my pained self looking all tired. My hard work has been pinning on me like a hammer putting me down. I tried so hard for it but it's just... sometimes not enough.

The mirror reflected the whole room. The windows were visible in my two eyes. But then the clear weather began dropping beautiful white snow.

I was amazed by the fact of seeing it for the first time. I went to the window to look at the weather revealing before me.

"Wow..." That's all I could say. I didn't expect snow to comfort me in such a sad day.

I can't let this pass. I have to see this in person.

I rushed to the staff as I ran through the hallways of the company.

"Eonnie, I really want to see the snow. Can I go to the rooftop and see it directly?" I told her while she was arranging some things.

She looked outside to confirm.

"Okay, just 10 minutes, it's practice time so you're not allowed to slack off."

As I heard what she said I nodded happily. I immediately ran to the stairs and went to the rooftop.

As I opened the door, I saw the the snow falling. I looked around and the skies look amazing.

I might be in this place but it wasn't that cold. I enjoyed the snow as it fell down.

Each and every drop made me feel better. I wish I could feel like this always. So free and relaxed.

"It's surprising to see you here."

I jolted at the voice I heard.

"It's good to be here, it's not that surprising." I replied to her.

She chuckled and went closer to me.

"I waited for this, I asked the staff if I could go here." She said while stretching out her hands.

She looked at the snowflake as it slowly dropped into her hand.

The way she smiled as it came to her, she's made me feel warm with just her presence. The pure and radiant warm feeling that I felt from my heart upon seeing her in this moment.

"예쁘다 (Beautiful)" I bluntly said as I stared at her.

"It is very beautiful." She says as she stared at her palm.

Good, she didn't notice the I was referring to her.

She looked at me with her soft stare.

"Don't you wanna feel the snow too?" She smiled to me.

I looked around to see the snow not noticing her hand grabbing mine making me open my palm.

"You should get one, too." She said and looked up to the sky.

I watched the show fall into the ground. Each of them painting the sky white and falling so calmly.

As I looked on the girl beside me, with her warm hands under mine I felt like I could run through everything the world has to offer me.

I didn't even notice it but I already caught a snowflake.

She smiled at me with all her heart. "You caught one."

I smiled at her as well.

"It's nice to see you smile Eonnie, I don't see it too often." She commented to me and slowly letting go of my hands.

We didn't say anything after that. We just stared at the snow and observed how the world slowed down as we were together.

I was really enjoying that moment but a sound from her phone had to ruin it.

She checked the time.

"Looks like my 10 minutes is up." She looked at me brightly. "I'll head down first then."

She didn't let me speak and began to jog towards the door of the rooftop.

"W-wait!" I managed to yell at her.

She stopped and faced me.

"What?" She tilted her head to the side a little.

"You're Song Yuqi, right?"

She chuckled. "Yeah, why?"

I looked down quite shy.


Thanks for being with me in my first snow."

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