Drama To The 3rd Degree

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Harrys POV
I had woke up to screaming.Zayn screaming.Zayn screaming at a person to be exact.

I gently stood up with Louis in my hands,us having accidentally fallen asleep on my throne.I walked to the main area ,the source of the sound coming from there.

When I got there I stopped dead in my tracks.Nick was muttering something to the guards,The King Of Scotland was standing there,face red from yelling,Zayn looking similar.

I cleared my throat before handing Louis to Nick and telling him to leave.

"What do I owe the honor King Of Scotland",i asked politely while bowing slightly.I was glad that I slept in my princes attire with my hair still looking decent in front of the King.I was very upset at him for yelling at Zayn,but he is an ally and we need him.

He bows back politely,standing tall."I'd come here to explain to Zayn that Scotland will retaliate from killing Princes of Ireland and Poland.All we request is Zayn safely home so he isn't captured by Ireland and Poland",Yaser explains."And like I already told Yaser,Niall and Liam are doing a public announcement so that no one gets hurt",Zayn challenges."People will still get hurt Zayn,that is how it's always going to be.Just because the Princes speak doesn't guarantee anything.Scotland doesn't want you to give up your status in Ireland.Ireland doesn't want you to retaliate against Niall because he is taking his rightful place.Don't be stubborn and listen to me for once",they were yelling again.

"Okay,i don't think yelling will solve anything",i told them calmly."I am sorry I don't want to yell,but Zayn is my heir and I need him safe,no matter my past mistakes",Yaser replies."Exactly! You only want me safe because I am heir to the throne,not because i'm your son.",Zayn yells.Yaser sighs."Zayn,i sincerely hope that is not what you feel.Look,i grew up ready to be king as I was heir to the throne.I grew up with a mentality that you do everything in your right mind to keep Scotland and Ireland,when I was ruling it,safe.We are in charge of a huge part of the world Zayn,we could get millions killed if one heir isn't safe.I am looking out for you and for Scotland and even for your friends.Why do you hate me so much",Yaser asks.

"Because you were never there.You were never there no matter what.I get that you were busy and that you were king but I didn't even get five seconds with you and when i did it was you barking orders at me.Did you not hear the nights that I would cry into Mum or one of the nanny's chest because I wanted to spend time with you.Did you not hear the nights when you came back from war and I had nightmares about you dying and I was screaming out for my daddy just to find that it was only mummy who came.You should be ashamed.All of the years I spent crying to sleep and building up a wall of resistance toward you so I wouldn't get hurt again and all your doing is tearing it down! This is the most that we have talked in 19 years!",Zayn screams with fresh tears rolling down his face.

It was heartbreaking to see him that way.I hated seeing him upset,and in the moment I hated Yaser for making him upset.

"Zayn,I'm sorry,im truly sorry.I did not know that's how you felt.How come you didn't tell me",Yaser asks sorrowfully.

"Because I didn't want it to seem like I was a burden on your chest.They always told me that you were busy protecting Scotland or taking care of business.Even if I wanted to talk ,I could never find you.I only saw you at dinners and when we prepared for war.You didn't even talk to me when I lost my own daughter and do you know how much that hurts,to lose a child",Zayn shook his head."I get that you want to protect me now.But I think you're 19 years too late",Zayn told him while leaving the room quietly.

I run my hands down my face.

Yes,and this happened in the spand of 10 minutes.I did not even get a good morning.

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