Chapter 26

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In front of me, there was a spider type monster called Lesser Tarantal looking at me cautiously. Apparently, this was the monster I would need to overcome to survive in this match. Though to be honest, this was one of the monsters that I really didn't want to end up fighting. Of course, it wasn't as if I was scared of this monster. Because if push comes to shove, I won't hesitate to fight it like in this situation for one. It was just that...

I am clearly at a disadvantage...

After watching my fellow prisoners fight for quite some time, I now had a slight grasp on their fighting styles and capabilities. And based on what I had seen so far, there were two monsters that stood out. One was that Bear type monster called Savaga and the second one was this Lesser Tarantal. Of course, in terms of pure brute strength and power, the Savaga undoubtedly has outmatched the other monsters so far. But what I found the most problematic with this Lesser Tarantal wasn't its strength and power, instead it was the monster's incredible versatility in a fight that I was cautious about.

For one, the Lesser Tarantal also mainly used its speed when fighting just like me. And that speed wasn't something to sneeze at either. Because if my estimation was correct, this thing should be as fast or maybe even faster than that Glydon. On top of that, it also had the same ability as that Winset to completely ignore its momentum which made it incredibly agile. Then, as if having all of that wasn't enough already, the annoying thing also had three weapons at its disposal.

First, there was the clearly obvious one which was its poisonous fangs. Of course, because I had the skill Antibodies, I had little to worry about that poison. Still, I wouldn't want to be bitten by those sharp looking fangs because that would surely inflict some heavy injuries at me. Besides, if the Lesser Tarantal's poison was a fast acting one, the side effect of my skill Antibodies would surely fire back at me.

Secondly, for some reason, all of the Lesser Taratal's legs were also weaponized. And when I said weaponized, I meant literally because all of its eight legs were incredibly sharp. Seriously, those things were so sharp to the point that even just a light step from the Lesser Tarantal was enough to dig a small hole into the ground.

And finally, the most dangerous and vicious weapon at the Lesser Tarantal's disposal; the Lesser Tarantal's web.

To be perfectly honest, that web was the main reason why I didn't want to deal with the Lesser Tarantal. If it was just those fangs and sharp arms, I could probably deal with it. But it was another story when it came to those webs. For one, those webs were incredibly sturdy. And even though it might be possible for me to cut one using my fangs, doing that would only increase the risk of being caught in it. Because based on what I had seen so far, aside from being sturdy, those webs were also awfully sticky to the point that it was pretty much impossible for me to break free once I got caught. Fortunately, the Banobos that were guarding the ring would destroy some of the webs before it was thoroughly scattered all over the ring. Probably, even those Banobos would have a hard time capturing the Lesser Tarantal once it managed to completely scatter its webs.

Seriously, why am I so unlucky? I sighed.

While I was wallowing on my unfortunate fate, the Lesser Tarantal suddenly vanished from its position and appeared directly above my head.


Surprised by the monster's speed, I immediately activated haste and bailed out from that position. Unfortunately, without even landing into the ground, the Lesser Tarantal managed to chase after me while seemingly gliding into the air.

Seeing that, I continued to run away in panic while screaming inside. What the heck is that?! A flying spider!!

In truth, I already expected the Lessser Tarantal to be fast. The problem was I didn't expect it to be that fast and not to mention have an ability to seemingly fly into the air. Of course, upon calming down, I instantly realized that the Lesser Tarantal wasn't flying but was instead using its web to glide into the air. It was actually kind of similar to that fictional heroic character who was a spider person. Though, in this case, it was as if the monster's web had a will on its own which made it seem like the Lesser Tarantal was just riding on its flow. Actually, it was also kind of annoying because the webs were coming after me so I had to dodge every single one.

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