The Waiting Game

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"And what about Tech?" you asked through a laugh.

Wrecker grinned and clapped the red-faced Tech on the back. "I'll give you three guesses."

You thought for a moment. You and the boys had been playing a game that Wrecker called 'guess the worst thing we did on the ship'. The name certainly needed work, but it was fun. You were on a role, having guessed Wrecker and Hunter's most humiliating failures while onboard. Both involved blowing something up that wasn't meant to be destroyed. That didn't sound like Tech, though - he was too careful - meaning that you were out of hints.

"Okay, uh... Did he throw up?"

Wrecker shook his head, still grinning. "Worse."

"Did he... pass out?"

"Closer," Crosshair drawled from your side, smirking.

"Did he knock someone out?"

"Bingo," Hunter announced, snapping and shooting you a finger gun.

"Really?" you asked, eyebrows firing up in surprise. You cast a glance Tech's way, snickering pitifully at the humiliated look on his face. "Who?"

Crosshair rolled his toothpick. "Hunter."

"It was an accident!" Tech exclaimed, glaring at his brothers. "You have all done far worse."

You laughed at the intelligent clone's very true statement, then turned back to Wrecker across the table, curious. "What happened?"

Tech waved his hands at his brother. "No, no, don't-"

"He was trying to fix the hyperdrive and separate Crosshair and Wrecker at the same time. Next thing I knew, I was on the ground," Hunter announced, earning a kick in the shin from Tech under the table. He let out a yelp and fired a glare at his brother.

"A piece of the drive went flying," Crosshair explained, coolly dodging a similar fate to Hunter. "Hit him in the head. I swear he fell in slow motion."

Wrecker let out a hearty laugh and reached across the table to tug Hunter's bandana down over his eyes. "His bandana fell off."

You let out a dramatic gasp, clutching your chest in terror as you stared wide-eyed at Hunter. "No! Not the mighty bandana!"

The Sergeant rolled his eyes as he fixed his hair. "Oh, shut up."

"Is my turn over yet?" Tech whined, falling back against his seat. His face was still flushed with embarrassment.

"Sure. Now, Crosshair," you drawled in a singsong voice, turning to grin at Crosshair.

"Not happening," the sniper announced, momentarily removing his toothpick from his mouth to point it at you.

"He fell victim to one of his own pranks," Wrecker said quickly before jumping up from his seat to dodge a kick from Crosshair.

While the two chaotic brothers were momentarily distracted, Tech passed you his datapad. On it was a video of the boys laughing at Crosshair as he stalked past the cockpit, half-covered in yellow glitter. He flipped them off as they howled with laughter, then vanished into the refresher.

"Give me that," Crosshair snarled, reaching for the datapad. You pulled it away, out of his reach, and poked your tongue out at him.

"No way, Cross," you said with a snicker, passing the device back to Tech.

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