S is for Sitter

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I'm back.



I decided I should probably post something, so here's a quick little one shot as we all recover from the Bad Batch season 2. The feels hit hard.


"Hardcase! Get back here!"

After spending the past half an hour racing after a young clone, you'd think you would have gotten somewhere. But no. These kids were fast, and determined not to go to bed.

Normally, you would let the more hyperactive clones race around until they wore themselves out, but after an incident involving three clones, a bacta tank and more mustard than you had ever seen in one place, Nala Se had strongly encouraged you to keep the youngest ones in check.

Easier said than done.

"Hardcase! I mean it! Get off of that droid!"

You managed to pry the slobbering Hardcase off of the powered down training droid he had attached himself to, but now you had lost track of Fives. With a sigh, you plopped Hardcase back into his sleeping pod, closed it, and set off after the trail of muddy footprints that you assumed belonged to the troublesome young clone.

You were right.

Fives wasn't alone, however.

He and the rest of Domino Squad - minus Echo, bless his heart - had broken out of their pods and found their way to Lama Su's office. The Prime Minister stared down at the four young clones in alarm as they rolled around on the floor and chewed on the hem of his long skirt.

Lama Su looked up when he heard the door open, his eyes so wide that you paused for a moment, wondering if they would fly out of his head.

"Master Chief!" he cried, pulling his skirt out of Cutup's reach and shaking off the slobber. Cutup stared at the Kaminoan with a look of incredible offense, then started crying. "What is happening here?"

"Apologies, Prime Minister," you muttered, scooping up Cutup. Your presence immediately soothed him, putting a stopper to his cries. He gurgled happily and patted your cheek. "I have it under control."

Lama Su glanced between Fives, who was somehow covered head to toe in what you hoped was mud, and you in obvious disbelief, but he remained quiet. You gathered up the young clones and carried them out of Lama Su's office, entirely aware of Hevy and Droidbait making faces at the Prime Minister over your shoulder.

"Fives, what did you get into?" you mumbled in exasperation as you set his brothers down in their pods. You wiped off their muddy hands and closed the bed pods, hoping that this time, they would remain there. You turned with Fives still in your arms, setting him down beside a small basin. This would be his fourth bath of the day.

With a sigh, you reached for the soap, only for your hand to pass through empty air. You looked around, confused, and spotted it in the arms of another young clone. It was a total coin toss if he would hand it over or drink it.

"Kix... can I have that, please?"

Kix looked down at the bottle, licked it, then made a face and dropped it in the ground.

"Doesn't taste good, does it? That's why the Kaminoans give you soap as punishment." You chuckled and scooped Kix up, shifting him to one arm as you transferred the soap bottle from the floor to its proper place. Fives was enjoying gumming on the faucet, and would likely be distracted long enough for you to put Kix back to bed. "How did you get out of your pod?"

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