Elite Part 5

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When the elite squad touched down on Kamino, your group was immediately rushed to the briefing room. You scattered on the way there, with only Crosshair and ES-04 making it to your final destination. You had been left behind when the group ran past the embryo viewing ports, where you now ran alone.

By the time you reached the briefing room, ES-03 and Rampart had arrived, and were waiting impatiently for your arrival. Crosshair leaned against a wall with a toothpick in his mouth, lost in thought as he daydreamed about your kiss a few days earlier - something he hadn't stopping reliving since it happened. ES-04 checked her weapons over while Rampart and ES-03 stood side by side, arms folded and tapping their feet.

"Has anyone seen ES-05?" ES-03 asked after a long moment. You could hear him from down the hall, and followed the soldier's voice.

Which one is that again?

Oh, wait.

That's me.

ES-04 shook her head. "Not since we landed."

"Right here," you called as you appeared in the door, quickly finger combing your hair to tame the wild mane you had gained while running.

Rampart looked unimpressed. "How nice of you to join us."

"My apologies, sir," you said quickly, shooting a flirty wink at Crosshair as you sidled up next to him. Your presence snapped him out of his trance, and he averted his eyes, face flushed.

"And where is ES-02?" Rampart asked.

"No clue," you responded, only half paying attention to the Vice Admiral. You slunk past Crosshair, running a finger across his chest as you did so, your body blocking the action from the view of the others. You noticed Rampart staring at you expectantly out of the corner of your eye, and cleared your throat before adding, "sir."

ES-02 joined you only a few minutes later, and once the entire elite squad was present, your group was given a mission. You were to oversee the construction of a new base in the lava fields of Nevarro, and defend it from anyone who may try to destroy it.

"Question," you said the moment Rampart paused his briefing for a breath.

"What's your question, soldier?" Rampart asked, not looking up from his datapad.

"What exactly are we expecting to attack this thing? Wild animals? Rebels? All of the above?"

"Be ready for anything," Rampart said simply. "Your ship has already been stocked with any equipment you may need."

"Right..." Well, that's helpful.

"Anything else?"


"Good. Now get moving."

Everyone shuffled towards the door, but Crosshair was stopped.

"Commander, a word?" Rampart called, stopping Crosshair in his tracks. As soon as you and the others disappeared behind the door, the Vice Admiral spoke up. "I question your choice of second in command. Are you certain ES-05 is ready for this position?"

"Major L/n is perfectly capable of handling their duties. More so than me, even," Crosshair said without a moment of hesitation. "I would argue that they're worthy of a much higher position."

Rampart cocked an eyebrow, looking him up and down. "You truly believe that?"

"I do," Crosshair stated with a curt nod, growing irritated with Rampart's lack of faith in you. "Major L/n is the best recruited soldier in the army. We won't find anyone else quite as well-suited for this life. You saw their final test, did you not? Were you not impressed?" Though you hadn't been a solider by any definition before the war ended, you were now. One of the best. Crosshair was one of several firm believers in that claim.

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