Elite Part 7

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*Materializes from a cloud of fog* Why hello there. Welcome back to Elite. After a thousand year hiatus, it's back with a vengeance.

Prepare for near-endless fluff and an alarming amount of soft Crosshair. Maybe a little ooc of him, but I wasn't quite sure how to do in-character soft Crosshair, so...


Anyways- enjoy!

Buckle up, it's a long one. Oops?

⚠️ Trigger warnings: verbal and physical abuse ⚠️

You had lost track of how long you had spent in the Coruscant medical bay. Between waiting for your wounds to heal, checking in on the troops under your command, and worrying about the still unconscious Crosshair, time had lost meaning. Your wounds weren't severe, mostly consisting of several scrapes and burns on exposed joints from being hurled around like a sock in a washing machine, but they were bad enough to warrant keeping you in the infirmary under close medical surveillance.

While you were confined to the medical bay, your only companion was Todo, who hadn't left your side since the crash on Bracca. The little droid had become a good friend to you, and seemed to enjoy your company. He told you stories of his adventures with Bane, and seemed surprised when you pointed out how cruel the Duros was to him. It was as if he purposely failed to notice the abuse - a process you were all too familiar with.

When you got word from your assigned medical droid that Crosshair was awake, you snuck out of the main, public infirmary to visit him. Due to the severity of his injuries, he was kept out of sight of the other patients, in a side room that Todo helped you break in to. Apparently he had a knack for getting where he wasn't supposed to be. Much like you did.

Crosshair was in bad shape. Half of his face was still bandaged, and what skin was visible had burn scars running across it. He was hooked up to a heart rate monitor and a breathing aid, and appeared to be asleep, or close to it. You slowly approached and kneeled at his bedside, not once taking your eyes off of him. The sniper stirred, seemingly sensing your presence, and groggily opened one eye.

"Hey," you whispered, smiling at him.

He let out a quiet grumble that resembled a greeting, winced, and brought one hand up to his head. You reacted immediately, standing up and leaving his side to grab a bacta pack from the tall cabinet in the corner. When you vanished from his very limited line of sight, Crosshair sat up slightly, letting out a hiss of pain as he did so. Still, he continued upwards, unsure where you had disappeared to in his delirious state.

"It's alright, Cross," you called as you swiftly returned to his side, helping him lay back down. "Don't hurt yourself. Just stay down."

"Wh-what... happened?" he grumbled, blinking slowly as you pressed the pack to his head.

"What do you remember?" you asked, hoping that he hadn't forgotten your conversation after he was caught in the engine's line of fire. You didn't really want to have to remind him.

Crosshair was silent for a moment, attempting to recall the entire mission. "We... found the Bad Batch. On Bracca. I tried to..." His eyes widened. "I... I tried to... kill them..."

You bit your lip, forcing yourself to remain silent as he continued.

"The... the engine... I tried to... to drive them out... They got away... I got... burned... You helped me..." Even in his weary state, Crosshair smirked at you. That damn smirk. It was going to be the death of you, and you both knew it. "You love me."

You rolled your eyes, biting back a smile. "You already knew that."

"Yeah, but I didn't really believe it."

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