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Me: It hasn't been THAT long since I've updated, right?

Me to me:

Me to me:

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I'm not dead.



Side note: as you may have noticed, the order of chapters has changed. I'm eventually going to reorganize them so that all the mini-series' are together, but I got lazy, so this is it for now. Yay.

New cover!!! :D What do you think?


This one shot features a few of my OC's, who I may or may not write a book about in the future (assuming I ever get the time and motivation to write it). Let me know if you like them! I really hope you do.

On with the drama!

You let out a long, quiet sigh as you entered the 104th barracks to see that, once again, they were engaged in an intense arm-wrestling war. As amusing as they were, such battles could go on for hours, and you didn't have long before you had to be back in the main hanger to prep the group's ships for takeoff. You could only slack off for so long before your coworkers noticed you were missing, after all. They wouldn't be too pleased to find your unattended toolbox in the hanger and no Y/n in sight. Again.

You were a mechanic, and had the pleasure of working in close quarters with the 104th nearly every day due to being stationed onboard their main Cruiser. You had become quite close with many of the clones, along with General Plo Koon and his Padawan, Shiri Vers.

To say that you and Shiri were two peas in a pod was an understatement. You had been practically attached at the hip since you first met at the start of the war, and you had picked up many of her habits and mannerisms whilst forcing bits and pieces of your own personality onto hers. You both loved working with machinery, had a mutual respect for the clones, and hated the vast majority of the rules that you had to follow in order to keep your lives together. They were boring.

The two of you were incredibly witty and intelligent, hence why you never argued. You both knew it was pointless, as you could go on for hours without letting up, and there would still be no winner. Neither you nor Shiri ever ran out of creative insults.

There were a grand total of three people in the galaxy you would never argue with, one of which being Shiri, for obvious reasons. The second was General Plo because, well, who would ever argue with him? He did no wrong. The third was a certain grumpy clone who you may or may not had been hoping to see when you ditched your duties in the first place. He was another story entirely.

Wolffe was a strange breed of man. He looked the same as most of his brothers (he had never bothered with getting a unique haircut, tattoos, or developing a different accent like a select few had done. He claimed that he had better things to do) yet to you, he stood out more than any other clone. He was gruff and cold to strangers, and the walls he had built up around his heart were thick and tough, but he treated those who managed to break through with the upmost respect and, dare I say it, affection. General Plo, the rest of the 104th (on most days, at least), and Commander Vers (occasionally. When she wasn't annoying him. So very rarely) fell on his side of the spike-trapped wall, whereas most other Jedi and quite a few of his brothers were permanently trapped on the outside.

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