Hearing Impaired Part 2

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Your eyes fluttered open, and you were met by blinding overhead lights. You squeezed your eyelids shut again and gritted your teeth as pain exploded through your body at every slight movement. What happened?

When the pain resided enough for you to move your head without wanting to die, you spotted a collection of blurry figures in the distance. They appeared to be arguing. It was no doubt the Bad Batch.

You slowly raised your hand and waved to the arguing group. After a moment, Wrecker caught sight of your motions, and his face went slack with relief. He shoved his brothers aside and rushed to your bedside.

"Are you okay?" the large clone signed frantically. "How do you feel?"

"Like I got a commando droid chucked at me," you signed back with a weak smirk.

Wrecker rolled his eyes. "That was one time."

You stared blankly at him.

The strong clone sighed and relented. "Okay, but it was only three times."

"That's more like it," you signed with a grin.

Wrecker's head suddenly snapped back towards his brothers, who were peeling themselves off the floor and no doubt cussing Wrecker out for tossing them aside. He grinned sheepishly, momentarily leaving your side to drag the others up before returning to you. Upon noticing you snickering at him, he shot you a playful glare.

"What happened?" you signed quickly, glancing around the room as you dragged yourself to an upright position. You winced as a bolt of pain shot up your spine, but it passed as quickly as it came.

"You were shot," Hunter signed simply.

"Yeah, I gathered that."

Crosshair wasn't impressed. "Hilarious."

You shrugged and shot the sniper a grin. "I try. I mean, what happened with the mission?"

"We got the info we needed, kept up our one hundred percent success rate, Wrecker blew up the cyber center," Tech signed with a nonchalant shrug. "Just the usual, really."

You closed your eyes and let your head fall back against your pillow, dragging your hands down your face tiredly. Thinking back, you could briefly recall minor details from the mission. As you drifted in and out of consciousness, you remembered being thrown over Wrecker's shoulder like a sack of potatoes, Tech and Hunter going full kill mode on the remaining droids and no doubt cussing them out in every language they knew, and Crosshair beating the absolute crap out of his brothers for what had happened to you after he flew them to safety. You smirked at the memory. Typical.

Hunter tapped your shoulder, and you lowered your hands just enough to shoot him an annoyed look.

"We have to go rescue another reg after the mission gets approved," the Sergeant signed, patting your head affectionately. You swatted his hand away and he retracted it with a silent chuckle.

"That's dumb," you signed back. "Can't we just go?"

"You aren't going anywhere," Hunter signed sternly.

You waved off his concern as you groggily forced yourself into a sitting position. "I'm fine, Hunter. I've had worse from Wrecker hugging me."

Wrecker shot you a look of mock offense, dramatically clutching at his chest. You smirked and poked your tongue out at him.

"Y/n, if that shot had been aimed an inch to the right, you would never walk again," Tech explained, calm as ever. "If you had taken a second shot, you would have died."

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