Doctor Dreamcatcher Part 1

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Welcome back to the chaos.

I made a thing.

Also I made the tiny mistake of not watching all the new Bad Batch episodes (just saw episode 7 - Extraction. Plz no spoilers)



Got spoiled real bad.


Then wrote this fueled by rage and tears.




In a secure laboratory in the the heart of a mountain, a man stirred. Not just any man, but a former elite trooper of the Grand Army of the Republic - a Cloned Commander of the Empire. Once destined for greatness, now a soldier with no army.

A test subject.

His eyes peeled open, and immediately locked on the back of a strange figure clad in grey and white. As his vision swam into its usual sharp focus, the figure turned to face him, wearing a nonchalant expression.

"Ah, you are awake," you said in an emotionless tone. "Welcome, CT-9904. Or do you prefer Crosshair?"

He said nothing.

"Crosshair it is," you decided, the way he flinched at his call number not going unnoticed by you. "You sustained many injuries on Barton IV, but they are healing quite well." You spared a glance at your datapad, examining the injuries you had mapped out and checked off. "How are you feeling?"


"Crosshair, if I am to help you, I require your cooperation. I will ask again. How are you feeling?"

Finally, Crosshair begrudgingly grumbled out a response. "What's it to you?"

"My purpose," you answered simply. You turned away, gloved fingers trailing over the table of neatly placed tools on your desk. "I am going to need you to sit up." You met his eye. "Would you like assistance?"

Crosshair huffed and sat up. He tried to hide a wince, but nothing escaped your sharp eyes. Despite the pain, he unwisely continued upwards unassisted, his shoes brushing the sterile floor of your laboratory.

"Are you experiencing any dizziness?"

"No," the stubborn clone lied.

"I see." You pulled a pen from your pocket and held it up in front of Crosshair's face. "Follow this with your eyes. Do not turn your head."

Crosshair did as he was told as you moved the pen back and forth, up and down. He was familiar with such protocols, and got the sense that things would only get worse for him if he didn't listen.

You nodded and slipped the pen away, instead occupying your hands with your datapad. Your fingers darted across the keypad as fast as Crosshair's did on a trigger as you typed out your necessary notes. "Excellent. Your concussion is healing nicely. Doctor Hemlock will be pleased."

"Why am I here?"

"The Doctor will explain everything when he arrives," you responded simply, in that same monotone manner that was starting to tick him off.

Crosshair's frown deepened. Stubborn. Great. "Who are you?"

"Doctor L/n," you answered as you slipped a blood pressure cuff around his arm. "It is truly a pleasure to finally meet a member of the legendary Clone Force Ninety Nine. Hold still."

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