Troublesome Twosome

240 4 58

*Spawns in*

Look, an update (a request by -YOURDEADLYSYN to be precise)

*Spawns out*

On a morning like any other, you woke up in the unusually cold and dark room you had grown used to.

I wake up, my shoulders cold

A thought flooded your sleep-hazy brain:

I've got to leave here, before I go

You stood up, blinking blearily as your mind slowly realized it was awake, and went for the robes carelessly thrown over a chair more comfortable but less showy than the ones in the Council Chambers.

I pull my shirt on, walk out the door

With a stretch and a yawn, you escaped the confines of the dark room and into the far less musty hallway.

Drag my feet along the floor

In his room, Anakin jolted awake from a dream he immediately forgot, likely involving sand. He shuddered at the thought before rolling onto his back, dragging his robotic hand down his face as he stared at the speckled ceiling. After taking several more minutes to will himself vertical than Obi-Wan would approve of, the young Jedi sat up to get ready for the day.

I pull my shirt on, walk out the door

He mindlessly grabbed his robes from the closet Obi-Wan sorted and re-sorted every time he visited his Padawan's room, fastened the various unnecessary components, then he was off, ready for the day.

Drag my feet along the floor

Ten steps out of his room, he froze.

Then I see you, you're walking 'cross the campus

There you were, speaking to General Kenobi himslef. You looked tired, clearly having just woken up when you ran into the Jedi Master, who looked incredibly smug himself. Far too amused for comfort.

And within half a moment, Anakin knew why.

Obi-Wan spotted his troublesome padawan watching, face red and wide-eyed, and smirked as he waved him over.

"Ah, Anakin," Obi-Wan greeted with a smile as his apprentice drew nearer, face red. "There you are. Just in time."

You blinked sleepily, narrowing your eyes at Obi-Wan. "For...?"

"Oh, nothing..." He smirked. "Commander Skywalker."

You were too confused to blush.

Anakin wasn't.

"Obi-Wan!" the sand-hater cried, sputtering for a clever response and finding absolutely nothing as his face burned and arms flailed.

"I'm teasing. If I leave you too alone, you won't-?"

"Goodbye, Obi-Wan!"

Anakin grabbed you by the shoulders and quickly led you away, cursing in Huttese. Obi-Wan's laughter followed you down the hall.

Befuddled and alarmed, you sputtered as Anakin hauled you along. "Anakin, what's-?"

"Look down, sweetheart."

You did so.

And you wished the ground would swallow you whole.

These weren't your robes.

They were Anakin's.

No wonder Obi-Wan had looked so smug all morning.

Cruel professor, studying romances

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