Say You Won't Let Go

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(  •.•)
/> Do you want an update?

Sike, you can't have it <\ ( ~_~)

( •v•)
/> You can have three (I had a random burst of inspiration. This was the result 🤷‍♀️)

I finally made actual one shots! :D


You and Hunter had met years ago, in a dark and secluded corner at 79's, where you worked as a bartender.

I met you in the dark

You had just gotten off from a long shift, saw him sitting in a booth alone, and approached, curious. He raised his head as you neared, and you greeted him with a smile.

You lit me up

You talked for what felt like hours, laughing at dumb jokes and discovering your similar interests. When his brothers returned from a shot contest at the bar followed by dancing to the loud music, they teased him about his newfound company. He rolled his eyes and stood up to leave, extending a hand to you invitingly. You took it without second thought, and he pulled you into the crowd.

You made me feel as though I was enough

The two of you wound up dancing near the bar, then eventually on top of it, after your coworkers had laughed at your request to do so and given you the go-ahead.

We danced the night away

After plopping down at a nearby table, you had a shot contest (Hunter won), followed by an overuse of your employee discount as you tried nearly every exotic drink on the menu.

We drank too much

You and Hunter stumbled out of the bar hours later, holding each other up as you laughed at nothing in particular. He guided you back to his team's ship, where he claimed to have the most amazing salsa you would ever try. Apparently his brainiac brother, Tech, had spent days researching recipes, and determined the best possible combination of ingredients. You weren't at all disappointed, and ate nearly all of it. You would have continued devouring the delicious snack, had Hunter not suddenly turned green and dashed to the refresher to hurl. You instinctively rushed after him, brushing his long hair aside as he heaved.

I held your hair back when you were throwing up

After Hunter had fallen silent, the two of you remained still for a few moments before the Sergeant sat up. He glanced back at you over his shoulder and smiled tiredly.

Then you smiled over your shoulder

Your heart fluttered, and you couldn't help but smile back.

For a minute, I was stone cold sober

Hunter thanked you for your help, embarrassed, and you snickered, pulling him in for a hug. He was surprised, but hugged you back nonetheless.

I pulled you closer to my chest

The Sergeant shyly asked if you wanted to spend the night on the ship, since it was quite late. You asked if his brothers would mind, and he assured you that they wouldn't.

And you asked me to stay over

When he took your momentary silence as rejection and began sputtering out an apology, saying that he could take you home instead, you laughed again, cutting him off. You told him that you would love to stay, and that you could head home in the morning.

I said I already told you

Hunter grinned, red-faced, then broke into a yawn. You grinned back and told him that it was probably time to head to bed.

I think that you should get some rest

When the other Bad Batchers returned, Hunter quickly explained the situation. After they subjected him to ten minutes of teasing, he left to find you a place to sleep, embarrassed. Hunter offered you his bed, saying that he would sleep in the cockpit, and quickly strode off before you could object, too flustered to do anything else. You remained there for a while, then made your way to the cockpit, sitting down next to Hunter. The half-asleep soldier greeted you with a smile, and you whispered a goodnight before he fell asleep with his head on your shoulder.

I knew I loved you then

It took you a while to fall asleep, but when you finally did, you drifted into a deep, peaceful slumber, dreaming of Hunter. It felt like a dream to wake up next to him, but it wasn't a dream at all.

But you'd never know

Late the next morning, after the Bad Batch had drained their supply of caf and pain medication to nurse their hangovers, they had to head off-world on a mission. Hunter dropped you off at your house, hesitated, then kissed your cheek before scurrying away, flustered. You didn't see him for a long time after that. You had forgotten to get his comm channel, and had no way of contacting him for weeks after that fateful night. Still, you always thought of him, and little did you know, he thought of you, too.

'Cause I played it cool when I was scared of letting go

Over a month later, you heard a knock at your door. You answered, and dropped the tray you had been supporting against your hip as your eyes widened. Standing before you was Hunter, grinning sheepishly with a box of chocolates extended to you.

I knew I needed you

You hadn't expected to ever see the Sergeant again, yet here he was, and you couldn't believe it. He remembered you, despite only meeting once. He came back, even after so long without speaking to you.

But I never showed

Though Hunter was often pulled away on missions, you made your relationship work. He visited whenever he could, and you often took time off from work to travel with him. You picked up a handful of useful skills during your time with the Bad Batch, and became a valuable asset to them. Eventually, you quit your job at 79's to help the group full-time, no longer wanting to be apart from your new-found family.

But I wanna stay with you until we're grey and old

The war ended with a peace treaty between the Republic and the Separatists, formed after the defeat of the man who had orchestrated the war: Supreme Chancellor Palpatine. After his plans were foiled by an elite group of ARC Troopers known as Domino Squad, the Sith Lord was put on trial for his crimes against both the Republic and the Separatists, and sentenced to life in prison on a faraway planet. The puppet master had been removed, and everything came toppling down not long after.

Just say you won't let go

Senator Padmé Amidala fought for the rights of the clones, and won the favour of the newly formed Peace Council, made of Separatist, Republic, and neutral Senators. The clones were relieved of duty and given home and jobs if they so wished, and promoted if they remained a part of the army. The Bad Batch chose to stay, and you remained by their side. You and Hunter married two years later, and lived together happily as agents of the Peace Council. You had never been happier.

Just say you won't let go

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