chapter 3

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Taylor's POV

I am so mad right now with her. Why can't she just let me be? It's my life and I can do whatever I want. I don't need her permission.

I heard the car so that means she left for work again. Doesn't she sees  what love did to her? Why would she want the same for me? To be trapped in a world full of responsibilities. I don't want that. 

But I know what I do is wrong. I am just so much weaker than mom

I heard a knock on my door and then Aunt Sara came in my room.

"Hey little Alex." She always calls me that. She says I am exactly like my mom.

"Don't call me that. I am nothing like her." I said and buried my face into the pillow.

"Why is that?" She asked me and start to rub my back.

"Are you kidding me? She is perfect. She is hardworking. She never gets tired. She never stops trying until she succeeds. She is loyal to mama for so many years. She is freaking superwoman. And me? I am just a screw up who can't even treat right her own girlfriend, can't stop cheating all the time and disrespects the only person who will do everything for me." I feel really bad for what I said to my mother.

"I understand you, since the thing with your mama happened, your mom is trying really hard to be the best role model for you and your sister and to make sure you have everything you want. But she is not perfect!"

"What do you mean?" I turn to look at her.

"Your mum is not flawless. She has her bad times too. She just don't show it. Not even to me. Her best friend. Only Summer could make her talk" she smiles at the memory of her sister

"I miss her so much." I said tearing up.

"I know honey, me too." She said wiping my tears away and pulling me in for a hug. 

"Well, I want a hug too." Said Lia from the door and came to hug us both.

After a while Aunt Sara left and I watched a movie with Lia. She fell asleep on my bed and I didn't want to wake her up so I stayed with her and continued to watch the movie until I fell asleep.

I don't know how long has it been but when I opened my eyes  Lia was still sleeping. I heard a sound by the door. When I turned around to see what it was I saw mom looking at us smiling.

"Mom?" I whisper to make sure not to wake up my sister. I look at the clock and it is midnight.

"Did I wake you up? Sorry I didn't mean to. I am just going to go and let you two sleep." She turn around ready to leave but I stoped her.

"Mom wait!" She turn around to look at me. "Can we talk, please?" I said looking in her eyes. She smiled a little and nod her head. Then she went in the kitchen and sat at the table. I sat next to her. "Look mom, I am sorry about what I said. I didn't mean..."

"It's ok monkey. I know you didn't. But I want you to try to do better. You can't treat a person like that. Especially your girlfriend. "

I nod my head and hugged her.

"I am scared" I confessed and she looked at me confused. "I am scared  to  love someone the way people love. The way you love mama...What if I do and something happens then? I don't want to be in a situation like yours."

She paused for a second, thinkingwhat to say. "I know monkey. It's scary but you don't look at me and mama. We are a little unlucky. But even like this, I wouldn't even change a single one of my decision. Just a single moment with her, is worth a lot more than everything I've been through the last years. So much more. Because waking up in the morning next to her and watch  her smile and laugh, gave me more happiness than all the sadness I have been through."

"Can I ask you something personal?" I said. I don't want to cross a line but I need to know. She nod her head yes and gave me a small smile. "Its been so many years and you are still loyal to her. How do you do it? Don't you want to wake up next to someone again? To feel loved?" She looks at the floor and I am starting to think I crossed a line "I am sorry,  you don't have to answer that." I said and I was about to leave when she grabbed my hand.

"No, it ok." Ske smiled at me. It was a sad smile. "I-l can't look at an other woman that way. Your mama is the one for me. When I think about someone else, I feel dirty and bad. When someone says a woman is attractive I just compare her to mama and as you know... There is no woman in this universe more beautiful than her."

"You are still in love with her?" I asked a little bit surprised.

"Of course. I will be until the day I die." She said and kissed my forehead."Now go to sleep it's late and you have school in the morning. And be quiet so you won't wake up your sister."

We made our way to bed and I just can't shake of my mind the way mom talks about mama. I was six when it happened and don't have a lot of memories with them together. With her in general. But the little I remember they realy loved each other and they loved us too, so much.

I turn my head to see my sister sound asleep. Sometimes I feel bad for her. She barely remembers her and mom doesn't really like to tell us stories about her. I guess its too painful for her.

Author's note

This is a little smaller, I know.
I hope you like my story.

What do you think happened with Summer?

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