chapter 6

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**rape warning**

Lia's POV

We are at the hospital for about half an hour. We talked to her about our week and everything. I miss her so much. I don't remember many things from when she was awake I only have a handful of memories but all of them are perfect.

It was wonderful. We were playing together all the time and we would have the same teams every time. I was always with mom while mama was with Taylor. Water guns, soccer, karaoke, dancing, every kind of boarding game... We did everything together.

I remember one night our parents kissed us before putting us to bed and told us that auntie Sara will be here because they are going out.

The next day, when I woke up I went to their room and it was empty. Mom came back after a few days and mama didn't. Aunt Sara was with us. This is why me and Taylor love her so much. She is like our third mother. Mom doesn't know her parents so we don't have grandparents from her side. Mama's mama died a few months after Taylor was born and our grandpa... I don't really know exactly what happened but since the accident we barely see him. I just know that his relationship with mom isn't the best.

I heard the doctor come in the room and greet us. He was a nice man but too old in my opinion to still working.

He called my mom out to talk. Since Taylor was talking to mama I slowly made my way towards the door so I can listen what the doctor has to say.

"She is still stable witch is good. As long as she is not getting worse, it's good. We are making sure to keep her muscles strong so she can use them IF she wakes up." He said. Well thank god she is ok.

"Thank you doc. It really means a lot to me that you are taking care of her" mom said

"Well, about that... As you know I am not getting any younger. I am actually retiring next week. This is why I want to talk to you."

"What? A-and what will happen with us now?" Mom asked. She sounds nervous.

"There is a new doctor who is very good. She is better than me and I am sure Summer is going to be fine under her care. She is young but she is experienced. She has graduated one of the best universities and her recommendation are perfect. She is..."

"I am guessing more expensive..." mom interrupts him and now she sounds disappointed.

"If you talk to her about your situation I am sure she will understand " doc said.

"NO. I don't want anyone's pity. I am too proud to do that. I will ask for more hours at the restaurant, I will find a way. I always do." She took a deep breath. She is truly a super woman.

"Alex, you don't need to do that I..." I stopped listening and decide to leave them talk in private. I know mom doesn't want us to know much about our finances because she doesn't want us to be sad and worried.

"Hey, I am going to the bathroom and I might go at the cafeteria do you want something?" I asked Taylor.

"No, I am ok thanks." She said

I am walking towards the restroom and I see a man looking at me in a weird way. I stop in front of the restroom door but I change my mind.

I continue  to walk and go at the cafeteria I don't want to be alone right now.  I have a bad feeling.

I decided  to take an orange juice.

Now I am out side of the restroom again.  I look around to make sure he is not there anymore and I can't find him. I take a deep breath in relief. He was really weird.

I enter the restroom and do my business. I am washing my hands and when I finish I turn around to see him at the door. Looking at me with a disgusting smirk on his face.

"T-this i-is the lady's room." I have never been more scared in my life. He is wearing an orange jumpsuit. It has something written on it but he is away and I can't read it.

"I know little girl." he locks the door. "Don't be scared I just want to talk to you." He says and start to walk towards me.

"I can hear you from were you are. You don't need to come closer." I say in an attempt to keep him away from me.

"Well, you can hear me but I can't do anything I want to do to you from here." he continues to come closer. Now I can read what is written on his clothes.

I really wish I couldn't!

It says "Prisoner 00789456"

I gulp when I read that. "Please stay away from me!"

"Ohh come on little girl. I am not that bad. I can make you feel good."  He was now two meters away from me. I start to back away

"I am feeling great really. You don't need to." I hit the wall.

"I can make you happy!" He says and now he is right in front of me.

"My mom will come looking for me. You don't want to do this." He is leaning closer and checking me out. I feel powerless in front of him.

"I will be waiting. I might fuck her too if she is as pretty as you..."  he now  grabs my boobs and starts to play with them. I tried to push him away but he is way stronger than me.

"Please don't do this, please" I start to cry. "HELP, HE-..." he put one of his hand on my mouth and took a scalpel out of his pocket and put it on my neck with his other hand.

"Now now. You stay quiet or I might do something bad. Am I clear?" I can feel his breath on my neck... I just nod my head and start crying even harder.

He turns me around and pushes me against the sink. The scalpel still on my neck.

"Look at this ass." He said and spanked me. I can't control my tears.

I really want my mom right now. Or anyone in fact. Just someone to save me from him...

Someone to stop this...

Author's note

If you need someone to talk about anything. Don't think about it. Just send me a message. I will do my best to help you

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