chapter 21

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Alex's  POV

She is right in front of me. When she saw me she smiled.

I would do anything for that smile.

I-I can't believe that this is really happening.

I felt my knees getting weak and I lost my balance but before I could fall down, an hand grabbed my arm keeping me up.

It was Silvia. She smiled at me but it didn't reach her eyes like usual.

This must be hard for her. I need to clear up the situation but right now I am not functioning properly.

"I will give you two some space." She told me and left before I could do anything else.

I turn to my wife and moved towards her bed. I placed my hand on top of hers to make sure she was real. Then I placed it on her cheek and looked into those beautiful eyes.

"Is this a dream? If it is I can not do this again."

I would never expect her to do what she did next. I almost didn't believe it but the hot feeling on my cheek confirmed it. She slapped me.

"Owch! What was that for?" I asked rubbing my cheek.

"Well, you are not dreaming..." she said chuckling.

I shook my head. She is definitely real. "I have never wanted to be slapped more in my life." I said and pulled her in my arms. "Please don't leave me again." I said trying to contain my tears.

"Hey" she pushed my back a little so we were face to face. "I am here know and I am not going anywhere." She said and pulled me towards her for  a kiss.

It was the best kiss ever. I couldn't believe this is actually happening. It only lasted for a few seconds but it was sooo gooood...

"You are old." She told me. I laughed a little at her comment.

"I am not on my twenty's anymore. Actually I am closer to forty." I told her.

"Yes, and apparently I am too." She said with disbelief but jokingly.

"I love you." I told her while playing with her hair. I can't stop touching her. I am scared that if I do she will leave me again.

"I love you too." She said and this time it was me that leaned in for a kiss.

"So, how are they?" She asked me with worried eyes.

"They are the best. Taylor  is seventeen now, she already went through a hoe phase and thank God that we are not grandparents. Now she has a girlfriend. She is actually a good girl." I stopped and she sighed.

"My baby is having sex. I can't believe it. And she still looks exactly like you. Only younger. When I saw her I thought it was you. How about our baby?" She asked

"Lia is exactly like you. In her appearance, in her character in everything. Only her sexuality is different." I answered her.

" Is she straight? I mean I will support her either way but I don't want to have to bail you out of jail because you killed a boy." I laughed at her comment.

"She told me she thinks she is asexual actually." I said with pride. "But she hasn't told anyone yet."

"This is why you are still free... That explains it." She said chuckling. After a few seconds of just enjoying each other's company she talked again. "Can I see them?" She asked with hopeful eyes.

"Of course baby girl. Whatever you want." I got up and went to the hallway.

When I opened the door all the heads turned to my direction. They were all sitting there. My daughters, Sara, Silvia and her friend doctor.

When they saw me Lia stood up immediately. I smiled at them and they relaxed a little.

"Girls... come see mama."

Summer's POV

I saw them as they came in Taylor came in first and smiled at me. I smiled back. She really is exactly like her mom. Then another girl came in. I am guessing she is Lia. My baby girl is so big now.

When she saw me she run to my arms and cried. "It's ok honey. I am ok now. Everything is going to be fine I promise." I said and kissed her forehead. I raised my hand towards Taylor and she took it immediately then she hugged me too together with her sister.

After awhile of hugging I saw a flash. When I looked up it was Alex she was taking photos with her phone. She couldn't hide the smile from her face.

"Mom, not know that I am crying." Lia said and made us all laugh.

"Don't worry princess. You are still gorgeous." Alex said and kissed her cheek. She still calls her princess...

"Princess...Some things never change." I said shaking my head

"Of course they don't." She said and leand down to kiss me.

"First of all, eww. And second mom never stopped using her cheesey nicknames." Taylor said

"Hey, they are not cheesey. You are just sad because I call you monkey." Alex said pinching her cheek.

Taylor tried to escape. When she succeeded she turned to Alex and asked her. "Well, you never told my why you call me monkey...?"

Alex thought for a second and then she said. "Well, because you look like a monkey..."

We all looked at each other  and then we said "You too." All together.

She laughed and nod her head. "I do."

We were all laughing and messing with each other. They didn't let me see anyone else today and after a while a doctor came in and asked to talk to Alex about some things. It was a different doctor from the one I talked to. Were did she go? I liked her.

When she came back it was just her and she said it was time for the kids to go home and that it's a school night so they have to sleep. I was feeling pretty tired so I didn't complain. They wanted to sleep here with me but Alex said that it was against the hospital policy and that they can come back tomorrow after schoo so she took them home and came back not even an hour later.

"You are back already?" I asked surprised.

"I am surprised I even left."

"Why didn't you let them stay. They could loose a day of school. It's not the end of the world." I said as she came and sat an a chair next to my bed.

"I know, but if they stay there none of us is going to sleep and you need to rest. I am going to bring them back tomorrow. Now sleep." She said and laid back on the chair. What does she think she does?

"Excuse me. You are crazy if you think that you are sleeping there." I said with attitude.

"Were am I supposed to  sleep? I am not going home whatev..." she started to talk.

"No you idiot." I interrupted her. I scooted a little on the bed and patted that free space. "You are sleeping with your wife." I said and yawned. "Now come on I wanna cuddle." I said and she did. She took me in her arms and I laid my head on her chest and she started playing with my hair like always. I fell asleep almost immediately but not before I  heard her say 'I love you'.

Author's note

I hope you liked this chapter. I don't know when the next one will be.

I read your assumptions about the three girls on the previous chapter. I already know what is going to happen but I like to know about your thoughts.

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