chapter 29

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For Sara.

My dear friend, I know I broke my promise to you and I will always regret it, but life is a bitch and made me her bitch.

With all the things that are happening in my life right now, I can't function properly. I can't find another job. I don't have another choice but to do this.

I know its suicide but, at least now they have her. They will all be happy. I will make sure they will have everything they want until my last breath.

I need you to forgive me. Forgive me for not keeping my word and leaving you again. The loan shark is after me. He said if I don't pay him back he might take Lia. I couldn't let that happen.

This job might be dangerous but it pays good. Sergeant Dexter is going to give you personally the money I make for my family. I won't be able to contact any of you for a while. I need you to take care of my family like you always did. Give me 3 months. If I am not back by then, I probably didn't make it through with my mission and died somewhere. Don't look for me, you won't find me. Don't  try to stop me. It is already to late.

I am grateful to have you in my life my friend. I don't know where I would be without you...probably dead already. Because of you I got to leave my life. It might not have been always easy but, it was special to me. You are the sister I never had. I love you dickhead.

P.s. I took the gun from your house. Thank you for keeping it away from the kids.

Always grateful,

I put the pen down and took a deep breath. I am really sorry my friend.

I took the next envelope and started writing.

To my girls,

My beautiful girls, I am sorry  I am leaving you without a goodbye. I hope you can forgive me eventually and understand that reasons.

I wasn't good enough of a parent to you as hard as I tried. I am sorry I couldn't be better, because you deserve so much more that the things I could provide. I know that now thighs will be better with mama. She will take care of you better than I did.

I will try very hard to come back to you one day, but if that doesn't happen, it's ok. I don't want you to be sad for me. I did what I had to, to help and protect my family. This is my job  as a parent.

Taylor. My little monkey. My firstborn. You are my pride and joy. You grew up into a good woman. You are hardworkin and you have a good heart.  Don't let your temper get the best of you, hothead. Be patient and calm. Think before you do something. Treat your woman with respect like I taught you.  And most important, don't forget to wear a condom. You are the best think that happened to me and mama but you don't want to go through the same thing. You should follow your dream and continue with soccer. Make me proud,  little monkey.

Lia, my beautiful princess. I know the bond we have is special. I knew from the first moment I took you in my arms as a baby. You are my weakness and my source of strength. I am sorry I am leaving you but I had to. You shouldn't let that effect you. You have to continue with your studies and go to college or even a university. You are too smart, you have to take advantage of that. Also, be careful whit who you let in your life. People are not always what they look like. And yes that goes for your little Greek friend, Helena. If she does something to you just tell auntie Sara. She will take care of the rest like mom would.

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